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Showing posts with label Creative Writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creative Writing. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Embrace Your Creativity: Why Writing Shouldn't Be Bound by Strict Rules by Olivia Salter


Embrace Your Creativity: Why Writing Shouldn't Be Bound by Strict Rules


by Olivia Salter

Writing is often seen as a form of self-expression, a way to communicate thoughts and ideas in a creative manner. However, many writers feel constrained by strict rules and guidelines that dictate how they should write. This can stifle creativity and prevent writers from truly expressing themselves.

One of the biggest challenges for writers is breaking free from these rules and allowing their creativity to flow. Writing should be a liberating experience, a chance to explore new ideas and perspectives without fear of judgment or criticism. When writers allow themselves to let go of the rules and regulations, they can tap into their true creative potential.

By avoiding reliance on strict rules and people who enforce them, writers can find freedom in their writing process. Instead of worrying about whether their writing follows a certain structure or format, writers can focus on expressing themselves authentically and passionately. This can lead to more engaging and compelling writing that resonates with readers on a deeper level.

So, the next time you sit down to write, remember that creativity knows no bounds. Don't let rules and restrictions hold you back. Instead, embrace your creativity and let it guide you as you navigate the world of writing. Write from your heart, write from your soul, and watch as your words come to life in ways you never thought possible.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Writing Quote: We need books that affect us like a disaster, that grieve us deeply, like the death of someone we loved more than ourselves, like being banished into forests far from everyone, like a suicide. A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us. --Franz Kafka

Writing Quote


The Transformative Power of Literature and the Potential of Books to Ignite Profound Emotional Responses


by Olivia Salter


Franz Kafka, the renowned novelist and short-story writer, was a master of capturing the complexities of the human experience and the deep-seated emotions that lie within us. One of his profound statements that resonates with many readers and literary enthusiasts is, "We need books that affect us like a disaster, that grieve us deeply, like the death of someone we loved more than ourselves, like being banished into forests far from everyone, like a suicide. A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us."

This powerful quote reflects Kafka's belief in the transformative power of literature and the potential of books to ignite profound emotional responses within us. He suggests that great books should have the ability to shake us to our core and evoke intense feelings of grief, sadness, and isolation. Just as a disaster or the loss of a loved one can deeply affect us, Kafka argues that books should have a similar impact on our emotional and psychological well-being.

By likening the effect of books to the experience of exile or suicide, Kafka emphasizes the importance of literature in breaking through the icy barriers that we often build around our innermost selves. He sees books not just as sources of entertainment or information, but as tools that can help us confront our deepest fears, doubts, and insecurities. In essence, a powerful book should serve as an "axe" that breaks open the frozen sea within us, allowing our emotions and thoughts to flow freely.

Kafka's vision of literature as a force that can shatter emotional barriers and awaken dormant feelings speaks to the profound impact that books can have on our lives. Through his words, he invites readers to seek out works of literature that challenge them, that make them feel deeply, and that ultimately help them confront and navigate the complexities of the human experience.

In today's fast-paced and digitally driven world, where distractions abound and attention spans are often fragmented, Kafka's call for emotionally impactful books serves as a compelling reminder of the enduring power of literature to move and transform us. As readers, we are encouraged to seek out books that push us out of our comfort zones, books that awaken our emotions and stir our souls, and books that serve as axes to break through the frozen seas within us

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Mommy, Where Do Babies "Ideas" Come From? by Randy Ingermanson

Mommy, Where Do Babies "Ideas" Come From?

by Randy Ingermanson


I used to think I wasn't very creative.  I used to even say it out loud. I have since learned that saying things like that qualifies as a Crime Against Humanity. There's probaby a Geneva Convention against it.

The reason is that this is the quintessential self-fulfilling prophecy.  Do you want to be uncreative, dull, and boring?  Then tell everyone you're uncreative, dull, and boring.  (Or tell everyone you're creative, entertaining, and fascinating.  You get the same great reaction either way.)

Frankly, if you have a pulse, you've got some level of creativity.  And if you're a novelist (or imagine you're a novelist) then you probably have a lot of creativity.

Bottom line:  Stop worrying about whether you ARE creative.  Start focusing on how to beef up what you've got.

I recently gave a talk on "Exercising Your Creativity" at a writer's conference. I based the talk on one of my favorite books on the subject, A Whack On The Side Of The Head, by Roger von Oech.  Here are three of the things I learned about being creative from this book:

A)  Sometimes there is more than one right answer.

I tried to convince my calculus teacher of this once, and didn't get very far. But real life doesn't have much to do with calculus.  In real life, there may very well be six or two hundred or a zillion right answers.

Example:  What is the "right" way to write this article?

There are plenty of right ways, and my way isn't necessarily the rightest.  It's just my way. So when you come up with a clever idea to solve a problem, don't stop! Ask yourself if you can come up with ten clever ways.  Or ten stupid ways.  But oops!  I'm infringing on the second principle I learned . . .

B)  Sometimes being "stupid" is smart.

People are so afraid of doing something stupid, they'll go along with the crowd. Even if that means getting caught up in Groupthink and doing something . . . stupid.

Guess what?  The crowd isn't always right, and sometimes what seems smart to everyone isn't smart at all.  There are any number of garage inventors who've built things that the experts said couldn't be done.  Am I right or am I right?

Kings used to have "court fools" whose job was to mock the group, including the king.  The purpose was to always have at least one voice that wasn't going with the crowd.  Do you have a devil's advocate who will argue with you about your ideas?  Maybe you should! Even if they're not very bright.  There's nothing like trying to explain physics to a barmaid to force you to use clear thinking.  And sometimes, the barmaid is right.

C)  What rule can you break?

Rules are good--usually.  But sometimes you can do something cool by breaking the rules. Ogden Nash used to do this with his poems by violating the rules of spelling to get something to rhyme.  As an example, look at the last two lines of his poem "The Panther":

     Better yet, if called by a panther . . . Don't anther!

It's a little silly, but that's the point.  As another example, look at this limerick that violates the "rules of limericks":

There was a young poet named Dan Whose poetry never would scan.

He said, "I try hard,
But I guess I'm no bard,
Because I always have to cram as many words into the last line as I possibly can."

Whoever wrote this limerick succeeded by breaking the rules in a beautiful self-referential way.

There's more, but I'd hate to steal all the thunder
from Roger von Oechs. I'll close by giving you a link to his book on Amazon.  It's a classic, and every time I read the thing, I somehow have a ton of creative ideas in the weeks that follow:
"A Whack on the Side of the Head: How You Can Be More Creative"


About The Author

Randy Ingermanson
Randy Ingermanson is a theoretical physicist and the award-winning author of six novels. He has taught at numerous writing conferences over the years and publishes the free monthly Advanced Fiction Writing E-zine.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Writing Quote: Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand ―Michael Scott


Writing Quote


Writer's Knowledge vs. Writers Imagination

by Olivia Salter


Michael Scott, the fictional character from the popular TV show "The Office," once famously said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world and all there ever will be to know and understand." This profound quote encapsulates the power and significance of imagination in comparison to knowledge.

The statement highlights a fundamental truth about the human experience—that while knowledge is crucial for understanding the world around us, it is ultimately limited by what we have learned and experienced. Knowledge is based on facts, evidence, and information that we have accumulated through education, observation, and exploration. It provides us with a foundation to navigate our lives, make informed decisions, and solve problems. However, knowledge alone can be restrictive, as it is confined to what has already been discovered or understood.

On the other hand, imagination is boundless and limitless. It allows us to explore possibilities beyond the constraints of the known world and envision a reality that has not yet come to fruition. Imagination enables us to dream, create, and innovate, pushing the boundaries of what is considered possible. It fosters creativity, ingenuity, and originality, opening doors to new ideas, inventions, and discoveries.

While knowledge may provide us with answers to existing questions, imagination propels us to ask new questions and seek innovative solutions. It sparks curiosity, drives progress, and inspires breakthroughs in various fields, from science and technology to art and literature. Imagination encourages us to think outside the box, challenge the status quo, and envision a future that is different from the present.

Moreover, imagination plays a crucial role in shaping our perception of the world and influencing our beliefs, values, and aspirations. It allows us to empathize with others, see things from different perspectives, and cultivate a sense of wonder and awe. Through imagination, we can connect with our innermost desires, fears, and emotions, forging deep and meaningful experiences that enrich our lives.

In conclusion, Michael Scott's insightful quote reminds us of the transformative power of imagination and its ability to transcend the limitations of knowledge. While knowledge is essential for understanding the world as it is, imagination empowers us to envision the world as it could be. By embracing our capacity to imagine, we can unlock new possibilities, inspire change, and shape a reality that is filled with endless potential and boundless creativity.

 Also see:

Friday, March 1, 2024

Embracing Risk: The Imperative of Truth in Writing by Olivia Salter #WritingCommunity #WritingQuotes

Embracing Risk: The Imperative of Truth in Writing by Olivia Salter


Embrace Risk: The Imperative of Truth in Writing


by Olivia Salter


In the realm of literature, the act of writing is not merely a skill or a craft—it is a daring venture into the depths of one's own truth and perception. American writer James Baldwin aptly captured this essence when he declared, "A writer has to take all the risks of putting down what he sees. If you don't dare to, then you're not a writer." This bold assertion underscores the fundamental challenge that writers face: the confrontation with the raw authenticity of their observations and experiences.

At the heart of Baldwin's statement lies the notion of courage—the willingness to confront difficult truths, to expose vulnerabilities, and to challenge conventional narratives. To be a writer is to embrace uncertainty and vulnerability, knowing that the act of expression entails risks of rejection, criticism, and even personal upheaval. It requires a steadfast commitment to truth-telling, even when the truths are uncomfortable or unpopular.

In the act of writing, one must grapple with the complexities of human existence, navigating the intricate interplay of emotions, ideas, and perspectives. It is a journey that demands introspection and empathy, as writers delve deep into their own minds and hearts to find resonance with the world around them. To shy away from this challenging task is to deny the essence of writing itself—to retreat from the profound responsibility of bearing witness to the multifaceted realities of life.

Baldwin's words remind us that writing is not a passive endeavor but an active engagement with the world. It is a call to action, a declaration of presence, and a refusal to remain silent in the face of injustice, ignorance, or indifference. As writers, we are tasked with the vital mission of illuminating the shadows, amplifying the voices that are often silenced, and articulating the truths that are too often overlooked.

To be a writer, then, is to embrace risk as an inherent part of the creative process—to be willing to challenge conventions, disrupt norms, and defy expectations in the pursuit of truth. It is a courageous act of self-expression that requires vulnerability, resilience, and unwavering dedication to one's artistic vision.

Ultimately, Baldwin's insight serves as a powerful reminder that writing is not merely a technical skill or a literary pursuit but a profound act of courage and conviction. To be a writer is to dare to confront the world as it is, to transmute reality into art, and to speak truth to power. In the words of James Baldwin, "If you don't dare to, then you're not a writer."

Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Mask of Fiction: Unveiling the Soul and Spirit by Olivia Salter

The Mask of Fiction: Unveiling the Soul and Spirit by Olivia Salter


The Mask of Fiction: Unveiling the Soul and Spirit


by Olivia Salter

The art of fiction writing is a multifaceted craft that transcends mere storytelling. It is a profound and intricate endeavor that seeks to illuminate the depths of human experience, revealing the nuances of our existence through the artful manipulation of words and imagination. At its core, fiction is a delicate dance between truth and deception, where the writer, donning the mask of fiction, endeavors to encapsulate the essence of humanity within the confines of fabricated narratives.

The fiction writer's pursuit is not one of mere fabrication but rather a poignant exploration of the human condition. Through the intricate tapestry of characters, settings, and plotlines, the writer seeks to expose the raw and unfiltered truths that define our shared humanity. It is within the realm of fiction that the complexities of our existence are laid bare, inviting readers to immerse themselves in worlds both familiar and foreign and to glean profound insights into the human spirit.

Central to the art of fiction writing is the delicate balance between truth and falsehood. Every writer of fiction must, in essence, be a masterful liar, weaving tales that are, at their core, untruths crafted to resonate with the deepest recesses of the human soul. This paradoxical role of the writer as both a purveyor of falsehoods and a revealer of truths is encapsulated by the notion that the aim of the liar is, in fact, a noble one.

The mask of fiction serves as a vehicle through which writers navigate the boundless landscapes of imagination and creativity, transcending the constraints of reality to unearth profound insights into the human experience. By wielding the tools of deception and artifice, writers harness the power of storytelling to convey universal truths, provoke introspection, and evoke empathy within their readers.

Furthermore, the mask of fiction affords writers the liberty to delve into the depths of human emotion and experience, unfettered by the boundaries of literal truth. Through the creation of intricate narratives and multifaceted characters, writers possess the ability to evoke empathy, challenge perceptions, and foster a deeper understanding of the human condition. It is through this artful manipulation of reality that the inherent truths of our existence are exhumed, allowing readers to bear witness to the kaleidoscope of human emotions, aspirations, and tribulations.

In essence, the mask of fiction serves as a vessel through which writers embark on a profound journey of revelation and introspection. By embracing the art of fabrication with a noble aim, writers illuminate the multifaceted complexities of our existence, inviting readers to traverse the intricate landscapes of the human soul.

Ultimately, the mask of fiction stands as a testament to the enduring power of storytelling, transcending the boundaries of reality to unveil the profound truths that define our shared humanity. It is within the realm of fiction that the art of deception intertwines with the pursuit of enlightenment, laying bare the intricacies of our existence and inviting readers to partake in the timeless dance between truth and imagination.


Also see:

👉Creating Fiction: Instructions and Insights from Teachers of the Associated Writing Programs at Amazon

👉Free Writing Resources
👉Fiction Writing books at Amazon


Sunday, October 15, 2023

Unleashing Creativity: Rekindle the Imagination with Fiction Writing Prompts by Olivia Salter

Unleashing Creativity: Rekindle the Imagination with Fiction Writing Prompts

Unleashing Creativity: Rekindle the Imagination with Fiction Writing Prompts 


by Olivia Salter



As any writer knows, the creative process can sometimes be a fickle friend. There are moments when inspiration flows effortlessly and ideas pour onto the page effortlessly. But there are also times when the dreaded writer's block takes hold, leaving a blank and unyielding canvas. It is during these times that fiction writing prompts can serve as a valuable tool for writers to rekindle their imagination and spur their creativity.

Fiction writing prompts are concise, thought-provoking phrases, sentences, or situations designed to ignite the writer's imagination and stimulate the creation of new storylines or characters. They serve as seeds from which a writer can grow a captivating narrative, exploring uncharted territories and pushing their creative boundaries. Here are a few reasons why writers should incorporate fiction writing prompts into their writing routine:

1. Ignite Creativity: Writing prompts provide the perfect spark to jump-start the creative engine. By presenting a unique concept, character, or scenario, prompts challenge writers to think outside the box and explore ideas they may have never considered before. They serve as a creative catalyst, forcing writers to embark on a journey beyond their comfort zones.

2. Overcome Writer's Block: Every writer has encountered that dreaded feeling of staring at a blank page, unable to find the right words. Writing prompts act as antidotes to writer's block, giving writers a direction when they feel lost. Prompts provide a starting point, eliminating the blank page syndrome and moving writers beyond that initial hurdle.

3. Practice and Experimentation: Writing prompts offer a structured way for writers to practice their craft and experiment with different styles, genres, and narrative techniques. By using prompts regularly, writers can enhance their writing skills, explore new genres, and broaden their horizons. It allows them to step out of their comfort zones and develop versatility in their storytelling.

4. Enhance Skills: Writing prompts can focus on specific elements of storytelling, such as dialogue, setting, or character development. By using these prompts, writers can hone their skills in these areas and develop a deeper understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. This focused practice can lead to significant improvements in their overall writing abilities.

5. Inspiration for Larger Projects: Prompts can serve as the foundation for larger writing projects. A seemingly insignificant prompt can evolve into a fully-fledged novel, short story, or screenplay. They act as seeds that grow into intricate worlds, complex plots, and captivating characters. Starting small with a prompt can unleash an avalanche of inspiration and lead to remarkable creative endeavors.

6. Break Routine and Avoid Stagnation: Writing prompts provide variety and excitement in the writing process. They inject freshness into a writer's routine and break the monotony of working on a single project for an extended period. Prompts present new challenges and push writers to think differently, preventing stagnation and encouraging continuous growth.

7. Connect with Writing Communities: Many writers use writing prompts as a bonding experience with other writers. Sharing and discussing prompts with fellow authors can foster a sense of community, feedback, and encouragement. It creates opportunities for collaboration and engagement with like-minded individuals, creating a supportive network of fellow writers.

In conclusion, fiction writing prompts offer countless benefits to writers, whether they are beginners or seasoned professionals. They act as a catalyst for creativity, a tool to overcome writer's block, and a guide for skill improvement. By incorporating these prompts into their writing routine, writers open the door to endless possibilities, explore uncharted territories, and weave captivating tales. So, the next time you find yourself facing a blank page, embrace the power of fiction writing prompts and let your imagination soar.


Also see:

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Introduction to Creative Writing for Beginning Writer by Olivia Salter (PDF)

Introduction to Creative Writing for Beginning Writers by Olivia Salter

Introduction to Creative Writing for Beginning Writers


by Olivia Salter




Lesson Overview:

In this lesson, we will explore the fundamentals of creative writing for aspiring writers who are just starting their journey. We will cover essential elements such as developing imagination, creating engaging characters, crafting vivid settings, and constructing compelling narratives. By the end of this lesson, you will have a basic understanding of the key principles of creative writing to help kickstart your writing endeavors. I have compiled the 7 lessons for your convenience.

Lesson Outline:

1. Introduction to Creative Writing:
   a. Definition and purpose of creative writing.
   b. Benefits of creative writing.

2. Developing Imagination:
   a. Importance of imagination in creative writing.
   b. Techniques to enhance imagination:
      i. Mind mapping.
      ii. Freewriting.
      iii. Visual stimuli.

3. Creating Engaging Characters:
   a. The role of characters in storytelling.
   b. Techniques for character development:
      i. Physical appearance.
      ii. Personality traits.
      iii. Background and motivations.

4. Crafting Vivid Settings:
a. Importance of setting in creative writing.
   b. Techniques for describing settings:
      i. Sensory details.
      ii. Use of metaphors and similes.
      iii. Nurturing reader's imagination.

5. Constructing Compelling Narratives:
a. Basics of narrative structure:
      i. Introduction.
      ii. Rising action.
      iii. Climax.
      iv. Falling action.
      v. Resolution.
   b. Techniques to make narratives engaging:
      i. Conflict and tension.
      ii. Dialogue.
      iii. Pacing.

6. Exercise: Imaginative Writing Prompt:
a. Provide a writing prompt to practice the concepts covered in the lesson.
   b. Encourage creativity and experimentation.

7. Conclusion:
a. Recap of key points covered.
   b. Encouragement to continue practicing and exploring creative writing.

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Introduction to Creative Writing for Beginning Writers by Olivia Salter

Introduction to Creative Writing for Beginning Writers by Olivia Salter

Introduction to Creative Writing for Beginning Writers


by Olivia Salter




Lesson Overview:

In this lesson, we will explore the fundamentals of creative writing for aspiring writers who are just starting their journey. We will cover essential elements such as developing imagination, creating engaging characters, crafting vivid settings, and constructing compelling narratives. By the end of this lesson, you will have a basic understanding of the key principles of creative writing to help kickstart your writing endeavors. I have compiled the 7 lessons for your convenience.

Lesson Outline:

1. Introduction to Creative Writing:
   a. Definition and purpose of creative writing.
   b. Benefits of creative writing.

2. Developing Imagination:
   a. Importance of imagination in creative writing.
   b. Techniques to enhance imagination:
      i. Mind mapping.
      ii. Freewriting.
      iii. Visual stimuli.

3. Creating Engaging Characters:
   a. The role of characters in storytelling.
   b. Techniques for character development:
      i. Physical appearance.
      ii. Personality traits.
      iii. Background and motivations.

4. Crafting Vivid Settings:
a. Importance of setting in creative writing.
   b. Techniques for describing settings:
      i. Sensory details.
      ii. Use of metaphors and similes.
      iii. Nurturing reader's imagination.

5. Constructing Compelling Narratives:
a. Basics of narrative structure:
      i. Introduction.
      ii. Rising action.
      iii. Climax.
      iv. Falling action.
      v. Resolution.
   b. Techniques to make narratives engaging:
      i. Conflict and tension.
      ii. Dialogue.
      iii. Pacing.

6. Exercise: Imaginative Writing Prompt:
a. Provide a writing prompt to practice the concepts covered in the lesson.
   b. Encourage creativity and experimentation.

7. Conclusion:
a. Recap of key points covered.
   b. Encouragement to continue practicing and exploring creative writing.

Notes to the Instructor:
- Encourage students to actively participate in discussions and share their ideas.
- Provide feedback on student assignments to foster improvement.
- Suggest additional resources for further exploration into creative writing techniques.

Remember, creative writing is a skill that grows with practice. Be patient with yourself and enjoy the process of exploring new worlds through your imagination.

Theory: Introduction to Creative Writing

1. Introduction to Creative Writing

Creative writing is a captivating and expressive form of writing that allows individuals to explore their thoughts, ideas, and emotions in a unique and artistic way. It goes beyond the boundaries of formal writing and encourages individuals to tap into their creativity and imagination. Whether you are an aspiring novelist, poet, or simply someone looking to express themselves more creatively, creative writing can open up a world of possibilities.

So, what exactly is creative writing? At its core, creative writing is the art of using words to create original and imaginative literary works. Unlike technical or academic writing, creative writing focuses on self-expression, storytelling, and evoking emotions. It invites readers on a journey, transports them to different worlds, or allows them to experience life through a different lens.

The purpose of creative writing can vary from person to person. Some writers write to entertain, to captivate an audience, and to leave them spellbound by the power of their words. Others use it as a form of therapy, a way to process their thoughts and emotions, or to find solace in difficult times. No matter the purpose, creative writing offers a medium for self-discovery, personal growth, and connection with others.

Engaging in creative writing can bring forth a plethora of benefits. Firstly, it helps improve communication skills as writers learn to effectively convey their ideas, thoughts, and emotions to their readers. It also enhances cognitive abilities, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills, as writers navigate the complexities of constructing narratives and developing engaging characters.

Furthermore, creative writing fosters empathy and understanding. Through exploring diverse perspectives and experiencing the world through the eyes of different characters, writers develop a deeper sense of compassion and tolerance. It enables individuals to connect with others on a deeper level, transcending cultural, social, and linguistic barriers.

Additionally, creative writing serves as an outlet for self-expression and boosts personal confidence. It encourages individuals to trust their own voice and ideas, promoting a sense of authenticity and self-assurance. The act of creating something from scratch and seeing it come to life on the page is immensely empowering.

Creative writing also cultivates the ability to think outside the box and embrace innovation. As writers continually challenge themselves to explore new ideas, settings, and perspectives, they develop a sense of adaptability and creativity that can be applied in various aspects of life.

To embark on your creative writing journey, it's important to remember that this skill grows with practice. Be patient with yourself, allow your imagination to run wild, and embrace the process of discovery. There are countless resources available to further explore creative writing techniques, such as writing workshops, online courses, and books. In conclusion, creative writing is a powerful tool that allows individuals to unleash their creativity and imagination. It offers a platform for self-expression, personal growth, and connection with others. By delving into the world of creative writing, you can unlock new possibilities, open doors to limitless storytelling, and embark on a remarkable journey of self-discovery. So, pick up your pen, let your thoughts flow, and get ready to create magic with words.

2. Developing Imagination


Imagination is a powerful tool that allows us to explore the depths of our creativity and bring our thoughts to life through words. In the world of creative writing, it plays a crucial role in crafting compelling narratives, captivating characters, and immersive settings. By developing imagination, writers can unlock endless possibilities, create unique storylines, and take their readers on extraordinary journeys. In this article, we will delve into the importance of imagination in creative writing and explore various techniques to enhance and nurture this vital skill.

The Importance of Imagination in Creative Writing:

Imagination serves as the backbone of creative writing, breathing life into ideas and transforming them into captivating stories. Here are a few reasons why imagination is so important in the realm of creative writing:

1. Crafting Unique Stories: Imagination allows writers to think beyond the ordinary and create unique narratives that captivate readers. It helps in developing original plots and complex characters, engaging readers in different worlds, and immersing them in richly detailed settings. Imagination enables authors to paint visual pictures with words, evoking emotions and ensuring readers are fully engrossed in the story.

2. Making Characters Come Alive: Imagination enables writers to develop relatable and multidimensional characters. By envisioning their thoughts, desires, and quirks, writers can breathe life into these characters, making them more relatable and memorable for readers.

3. Encouraging Exploration and Innovation: Imagination encourages writers to explore unconventional ideas, experiment with different genres, and push the boundaries of creativity. It provides the freedom to think outside the box, resulting in fresh and innovative storytelling.

Techniques to Enhance Imagination:

1. Mind Mapping: Mind mapping is a technique that allows writers to visualize their ideas and expand upon them. Start by writing a central idea or theme in the center of a piece of paper, then branch out with related sub-ideas, characters, settings, and plot points. This technique helps stimulate the imagination by exploring various connections and possibilities.

2. Freewriting: Freewriting is a valuable exercise to unleash the power of imagination. Set a timer for 10–15 minutes and write continuously without any restrictions or judgment. This process allows thoughts to flow freely and encourages new ideas to surface, fostering creativity and imagination.

3. Visual stimuli: Engaging with visual stimuli can awaken the imagination and inspire unique ideas. Look at paintings, photographs, or movies that evoke strong emotions or capture your interest. The visuals will act as a catalyst and trigger fresh perspectives, allowing you to incorporate new elements into your writing.


Imagination is the fuel that drives the engine of creative writing. By nurturing this powerful skill, writers can unlock their full potential, break through creative blocks, and embark on remarkable journeys of self-discovery. The techniques mentioned above, such as mind mapping, freewriting, and engaging with visual stimuli, can help writers enhance their imagination and take their storytelling to new heights. So, pick up your pen, let your thoughts roam free, and unleash the magic that lies within the realm of imagination. Happy writing! 


3. Creating Engaging Characters

Characters play a pivotal role in storytelling, acting as the backbone upon which the narrative unfolds. They are the vehicles through which readers immerse themselves in the fictional world, forming connections and investing emotionally in the unfolding events. An engaging character can captivate readers and leave a lasting impression, making them yearn for more. So, how can writers create characters that resonate with their audience? Let's explore the techniques for character development that can bring your creations to life.

1. Physical Appearance
Intriguing characters often possess unique physical attributes that make them stand out from the crowd. Whether it's an iconic hairstyle, distinctive clothing, or even a scar, these defining features help readers visualize the character and set them apart from others. Additionally, paying attention to details like body language and gestures can add depth to the character, making them more relatable and realistic. Descriptive passages that highlight these physical traits evoke vivid imagery and immerse readers in a range of personality traits. These traits shape their behavior, reactions, and interactions with other characters, driving the plot forward. For example, a protagonist who is brave but also impulsive might find themselves in dangerous situations due to their recklessness. Exploring both positive and negative aspects of a character's personality adds depth, complexity, and authenticity, making them more relatable to readers.

2. Background and Motivations:
Every character has a past that shapes their present and future. Delving into a character's background allows writers to understand their motivations, desires, and fears. This insight enriches the storytelling experience by providing context and explaining the character's actions. Consider exploring their childhood, upbringing, and pivotal life events that have influenced their decisions, beliefs, and relationships. Crafting a compelling backstory helps readers connect with the character on a deeper level, rendering them multi-dimensional and relatable.

However, it's crucial to strike a balance between revealing character details and leaving room for readers' interpretation. Providing hints and clues throughout the story can pique curiosity and engage readers as they try to unravel the complexities of the character's past.

In conclusion, creating engaging characters is an art that requires writers to tap into the limitless realm of imagination. By incorporating physical appearance, personality traits, and background into their character development process, writers can breathe life into their creations. These techniques foster emotional connections between readers and characters, making the storytelling experience more enchanting and immersive. So, let your imagination run wild and embark on a journey to create characters that leave an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of your readers. Happy writing!

 4. Crafting Vivid Settings

Your Story to Life

When it comes to creative writing, the setting holds immense importance, immersing them in the world of your story. A well-crafted setting can transport readers to different times, places, and even realities, making the storytelling experience more enchanting and immersive. So, let your characters leave an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of your readers. Happy writing!

The Importance of Setting in Creative Writing:

The setting serves as the backdrop against which your story unfolds. It not only provides a sense of place but also sets the tone, atmosphere, and mood of your narrative. The way you describe your setting can make your readers feel as if they are walking alongside your characters, experiencing every sight, sound, and scent with them.

A well-developed setting adds depth and richness to your story, making it come alive in the reader's mind. Whether it is a bustling city, a cozy cottage in the woods, or an alien planet, the setting should be vividly depicted to evoke emotions, enhance the plot, and create a memorable reading experience.

Techniques for Describing Settings:

To create a vivid setting, utilize techniques that engage the reader's senses, ignite their imagination, and foster a strong connection between the fictional world and reality. Here are some techniques to consider:

1. Sensory Details:
Incorporate sensory details by using descriptive language that appeals to the five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. Instead of simply saying "the room was beautiful," paint a picture in the reader's mind by describing the rich, earthy scent of freshly brewed coffee, the soft warmth of sunlight streaming through the window, or the distant sound of laughter echoing through the air.

2. Use of Metaphors and Similes:
Metaphors and similes can be powerful tools for enhancing your descriptions. By comparing elements of the setting to something familiar or using figurative language, you can create a deeper understanding and emotional connection for readers. For example, instead of describing a storm as "loud," you could say it was like "a roaring beast, shaking the earth with its furious cries."

3. Nurturing the Reader's Imagination:
While it is important to provide detailed descriptions, leave room for the reader's imagination to fill in the gaps. Give them just enough information to form a mental image, but allow their own creativity to take flight. This way, they become active participants in the story, co-creating the setting alongside you.

Remember, every word you choose to describe the setting should serve a purpose. It should enhance the mood, reveal character traits, or progress the plot. Be intentional in selecting details that are relevant and evocative, rather than overwhelming readers with unnecessary information.

In conclusion, crafting vivid settings is a crucial aspect of creative writing. The setting impacts how readers engage with your story, making it essential to provide sensory details, use metaphors and similes, and nurture the reader's imagination. By following these techniques, your settings will come alive, creating a world that readers won't want to leave. So, grab your pen, unleash your creativity, and transport your readers to places they've never been before. Happy writing! 


5. Constructing Compelling Narratives

Writing a captivating narrative is an art that can transport readers to different worlds, evoke emotions, and leave a lasting impact. To create a narrative that readers won't want to leave, it is essential to master the basics of narrative structure and employ various techniques to make the story engaging. In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of narrative structure and discuss techniques that can make your narratives truly compelling.

a. Basics of narrative structure:

i. Introduction:
The introduction sets the stage for the story, introducing the characters, the setting, and the initial conflict or problem that will drive the narrative forward. It is crucial to grab the reader's attention and establish the tone and atmosphere of the story from the very beginning.

ii. Rising action:
The rising action builds upon the introduction, presenting challenges, obstacles, and conflicts that the characters must face. This section of the narrative should steadily increase tension, drawing the reader deeper into the story and creating a sense of anticipation for what is to come.

iii. Climax: The climax is the turning point of the story, where the main conflict reaches its peak. It is the most intense and dramatic moment that determines the ultimate outcome of the narrative. The climax should be a powerful culmination of the rising action, leaving the reader on the edge of their seat.

iv. Falling action: Following the climax, the falling action provides a resolution to the conflicts introduced earlier in the story. It eases the tension and begins to wrap up loose ends, leading the reader towards the conclusion of the narrative. The falling action allows the reader to process and reflect on the events that have transpired.

v. Resolution: The resolution is the final part of the narrative, where all loose ends are tied up and the story comes to a satisfying conclusion. It should provide closure for the reader, answer any remaining questions, and offer a sense of fulfillment.

b. Techniques to make narratives engaging:

i. Conflict and tension: Conflict is the driving force of any narrative and is essential to keeping readers engaged. Introduce internal or external conflicts that challenge the characters and create tension throughout the story. Conflict adds depth to the characters and propels the narrative forward, ensuring readers remain invested.

ii. Dialogue: Well-crafted dialogue can bring characters to life and create a sense of authenticity within the narrative. Use dialogue to reveal character traits, advance the plot, and convey emotions. Make sure the conversations are natural and contribute to the overall development of the story.

iii. Pacing: Pacing refers to the rhythm and tempo of the narrative. Varying the pace can heighten tension, build suspense, or allow for moments of reflection. By strategically controlling the speed at which events unfold, you can maintain reader interest and create a dynamic reading experience.

In conclusion, constructing compelling narratives involves mastering the fundamentals of narrative structure and utilizing techniques that make the story engaging. By carefully combining action, climax, falling action, and resolution, you can create a solid structure for your narrative. Additionally, incorporating conflict and tension, well-crafted dialogue, and effective pacing will elevate your storytelling and keep readers captivated till the very end. So, grab your pen, unleash your creativity, and transport your readers to places they've never been before. Happy writing!

6. Exercise: Imaginative Writing Prompt


Here are two writing prompts to inspire your imaginative writing:

1. Write a story about a character who wakes up one morning with the ability to hear other people's thoughts. How does this newfound power impact their daily lives? Explore the challenges they face, the secrets they uncover, and the relationships they form as a result.

2. Imagine a world where time travel is possible. Write a short story about a group of friends who stumble upon a hidden time portal. Where does the portal lead them, and what adventures do they encounter in the past or future? How does their journey change them and their perspectives on life?

Remember, these prompts are just the starting point. Feel free to let your imagination run wild, add unique twists, and explore different genres or styles of writing. Happy writing!

7. Conclusion

a. Its time to recap all key points covered in 1-5.

1. Introduction to Creative Writing

Creative writing is an artistic and expressive form of writing that allows individuals to express their thoughts, ideas, and emotions in a unique and artistic way. It goes beyond formal writing and encourages individuals to tap into their creativity and imagination. Creative writing can serve various purposes, such as entertainment, therapy, or personal growth. It improves communication skills, enhances cognitive abilities, fosters empathy, and boosts personal confidence. It also encourages thinking outside the box and embraces innovation.

To embark on a creative writing journey, it is important to be patient, allow imagination to run wild, and embrace the process of discovery. Resources such as writing workshops, online courses, and books can help further explore creative writing techniques. By delving into the world of creative writing, individuals can unlock new possibilities, open doors to limitless storytelling, and embark on a remarkable journey of self-discovery.

2. Developing Imagination

 Imagination is a vital skill in creative writing, allowing writers to create compelling narratives, captivating characters, and immersive settings. It plays a crucial role in crafting unique stories, making characters come alive, and encouraging exploration and innovation. Techniques to enhance imagination include mind mapping, freewriting, and engaging with visual stimuli. Mind mapping involves visualizing ideas and expanding upon them, while freewriting allows thoughts to flow freely and encourages new ideas to surface. Visual stimuli, such as paintings, photographs, or movies, can awaken the imagination and inspire unique ideas. By nurturing imagination, writers can unlock their full potential, break through creative blocks, and embark on remarkable journeys of self-discovery. By incorporating these techniques, writers can take their storytelling to new heights and unleash the magic that lies within the realm of imagination.

3. Creating Engaging Characters

 Characters are essential in storytelling, as they help readers immerse themselves in the story and form emotional connections. To create engaging characters, writers can use techniques such as physical appearance, personality traits, and background. Physical attributes, such as hairstyles, clothing, and scars, help readers visualize the character and make them more relatable. Personality traits, such as braveness and impulsivity, shape the character's behavior and interactions. Understanding the character's background and motivations helps provide context and explain their actions. Balancing revealing details with allowing readers to interpret is crucial. By incorporating these techniques, writers can create characters that leave a lasting impression on readers and make the storytelling experience more immersive.

 4. Crafting Vivid Settings

 Crafting vivid settings is crucial in creative writing, as it transports readers to different times, places, and realities, making the storytelling experience more enchanting and immersive. The setting serves as the backdrop against which the story unfolds, providing a sense of place and setting the tone, atmosphere, and mood of the narrative. Techniques for describing settings include incorporating sensory details, using metaphors and similes, and nurturing the reader's imagination. Sensory details involve using descriptive language that appeals to the five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. Metaphors and similes can be powerful tools for enhancing descriptions by comparing elements of the setting to familiar or figurative language. Nurturing the reader's imagination allows them to fill in gaps, becoming active participants in the story. In conclusion, crafting vivid settings is essential for engaging readers and creating a world that they will never want to leave.

 5. Constructing Compelling Narratives

 Compelling narratives are an art that transports readers to different worlds, evokes emotions, and leaves a lasting impact. Mastering the basics of narrative structure and employing techniques to make the story engaging are essential. The basic elements of narrative structure include the introduction, which sets the stage for the story, the rising action, which presents challenges and conflicts, the climax, which is the turning point, the falling action, which provides a resolution to the conflicts, and the resolution, which provides closure and answers any remaining questions.

To make narratives engaging, conflict and tension are essential, as they add depth to the characters and propel the narrative forward. Well-crafted dialogue can bring characters to life and create a sense of authenticity. Pacing, which refers to the rhythm and tempo of the narrative, can heighten tension, build suspense, or allow for moments of reflection. By carefully combining action, climax, falling action, and resolution, a solid structure can be created, ensuring a captivating and engaging story.

b. Encouragement to continue practicing and exploring your creative writing.

The Power of Encouragement: Unleashing Your Creative Writing Potential


Creative writing is a beautiful art form that allows individuals to express their thoughts, emotions, and imagination through words. However, even the most passionate writers sometimes face creative blocks or doubts that can hinder their progress. In these moments, encouragement becomes an invaluable tool in helping writers find the inspiration and motivation to continue honing their craft. This article aims to explore the significance of encouragement and provide practical tips for nurturing and sustaining your creative writing journey.

1. Recognize Your Progress:
One powerful way to encourage yourself as a writer is to acknowledge and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Remember that writing is an ongoing process, and growth happens gradually. Take time to reflect on your achievements, whether it's completing a short story, receiving positive feedback, or experimenting with new writing styles. By recognizing your progress, you'll gain confidence and the drive to keep exploring your creative potential.

2. Seek Constructive Feedback:
Constructive feedback plays a crucial role in enhancing your writing skills and encouraging growth. Share your work with trusted friends, fellow writers, or join writing groups where you can receive valuable insights. Embrace constructive criticism as an opportunity to refine your craft and learn from others. Remember, every perspective contributes to your development as a writer, and feedback acts as a catalyst for improvement.

3. Embrace Inspiration from Other Writers:
Reading the works of accomplished writers from various genres can fuel your motivation and expand your creative palette. Allow yourself to be inspired by their storytelling techniques, unique perspectives, and captivating narratives. By immersing yourself in literature, you'll enhance your understanding of different writing styles and gain insight into how other authors tackle similar challenges. These experiences will encourage you to push your boundaries and cultivate your own distinct voice.

4. Set Attainable Goals:
Setting realistic goals is essential for maintaining focus and sustaining your creative writing practice. Establish both short-term and long-term objectives that align with your aspirations as a writer. Your goals can include completing a certain number of pages or chapters, entering writing contests, or even publishing your work. Breaking down larger goals into smaller, achievable milestones will fuel your confidence and drive to continue exploring your creative potential.

5. Establish a Writing Routine:
Creating a consistent writing routine is key to nurturing your creative writing journey. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to immerse yourself in the writing process. Whether it's early mornings, late nights, or weekends, find a schedule that works best for you. Remember, consistency fosters discipline and enables you to explore your creativity regularly. Over time, this routine becomes an integral part of your life, making it easier to overcome challenges and stay committed to your craft.


As a creative writer, encouragement serves as a powerful ally in overcoming obstacles and staying motivated. By recognizing your progress, seeking constructive feedback, embracing inspiration, setting achievable goals, and establishing a writing routine, you'll empower yourself to continue practicing and exploring your creative writing potential. Remember, the journey of a writer is as unique as their voice. Embrace the joy and fulfillment that come from storytelling, and may your creative endeavors continue to inspire others and shape your own perspective on life.

Also see: Creative Writing Books at Amazon.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Creative Writing Course, Volume 3, by Famous Writers School, Westport, Connecticut

Creative Writing Course, Volume 3, Fiction Writing,  by Famous Writers School, Westport, Connecticut

Creative Writing Course, Volume 3,  by Famous Writers School, Westport, Connecticut


(Volume 4)



Dear Reader, it gives me great pleasure to introduce "Creative Writing Course, Volume 3," brought to you by the renowned Famous Writers School. In the ever-evolving world of literature, storytelling has remained a staple, captivating readers and transporting them to worlds both familiar and foreign. This course delves deep into the art of fiction writing, guiding aspiring writers on a transformative journey towards mastering the craft.

Fiction has the unique power to ignite our imaginations, elicit deep emotions, and connect us to characters and situations that may seem worlds apart from our own. The ability to weave a compelling narrative with its intricate plotlines, well-developed characters, and vivid settings is a skill that requires dedication, practice, and a profound understanding of the human experience. Through this course, you will embark on a voyage of discovery, honing your writing skills and exploring the endless possibilities of the fictional realm.

The Famous Writers School has long been renowned for its commitment to excellence in writing education. This volume brings together a diverse array of talented authors and instructors, each with their own unique perspectives and insights into the world of fiction writing. As you browse through the pages of this course, you will encounter renowned and celebrated storytellers who have graced the literary world with their visionary works. They will accompany you on your creative journey, imparting their wisdom and sharing their experiences to help you navigate the winding road of narrative craft.

From the art of setting a scene and creating three-dimensional characters to crafting dialogue that resonates with authenticity and skillfully constructing plot twists that leave readers on the edge of their seats, this volume covers a comprehensive range of topics. Whether you are an aspiring novelist seeking guidance or an experienced writer looking to refine your skills, this course offers something valuable for everyone.

In today's fast-paced world, where distractions abound and attention spans are short, the ability to tell an engaging story is a priceless skill. It is in the realm of fiction that we can explore the human condition, challenge societal norms and biases, and provoke readers to look at the world through a new lens. Through immersive exercises, practical tips, and captivating examples, this course aims to equip you with the tools needed to leave a lasting impact on your readers, inviting them into the worlds you create and captivating them from the first line to the final page.

Remember, the journey of a writer is a lifelong pursuit. It is a path marked by countless revisions, feedback sessions, and moments of self-doubt, but it is also a path paved with the joy of creation and the satisfaction of sharing your stories with others. As you embark on this course, embrace the process, celebrate your unique voice, and be open to the magic that unfolds when pen meets paper.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to the Famous Writers School for their dedication to fostering literary talent and for bringing together this exceptional volume. I also extend my warmest wishes to all those embarking on this creative voyage. May your passion for storytelling burn bright, and may your creative endeavors bring you infinite joy and fulfillment.

Now let us turn the page and dive into the vast and enchanting world of fiction writing.

Olivia Salter

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Thursday, March 2, 2023

Bad Ideas About Writing, Cheryl E Ball, by Drew M Loewe, Copyright Year: 2017

Bad Ideas About Writing


Bad Ideas About Writing


by Cheryl E Ball ( Editor), Drew M Loewe (Editor), 


Copyright Year: 2017


Bad Ideas About Writing makes for interesting reading. People with a stake in the teaching of writing can take away some valuable insights. Creative writers as well can benefit from the exposure of harmful cliches surrounding the writing life. Where the book falls short is working as an introductory writing text which, admittedly, it does not seem to be intended for.


  1. Bad Ideas About What Good Writing Is
  2. Bad Ideas About Who Good Writers Are
  3. Bad Ideas About Style, Usage, and Grammar
  4. Bad Ideas About Writing Techniques
  5. Bad Ideas About Genres
  6. Bad Ideas About Assessing Writing
  7. Bad Ideas About Writing and Digital Technology
  8. Bad Ideas About Writing Teachers

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Monday, December 5, 2022

Writing Tips: A Creative and Practical Guide to Improving Your Story (The Creative Writer’s Toolkit Book 1), by Merrie Destefano

Writing Tips: A Creative and Practical Guide to Improving Your Story (The Creative Writer’s Toolkit Book 1), Merrie Destefano

 Writing Tips: A Creative and Practical Guide to Improving Your Story (The Creative Writer’s Toolkit Book 1),

by Merrie Destefano


Get Your FREE Copy Now


 Writing a book can feel overwhelming—especially if your genre is fantasy, science fiction, or horror. It’s almost like going on a quest. You have to create cities and villages, populate them with unique creatures, and figure out how to save the world—all while making sure your main character finds true love.

Hard, yes.

Impossible, no.

If it were impossible, literature wouldn’t exist.

This book can help you accomplish your writing goals and kick discouragement to the curb, where it belongs. It can also inspire you to write the best story possible, while creating believable characters and well-developed worlds at the same time.

You’ll discover:

• How organic writing can make your fantasy, science fiction, or horror seem more real.

• How to use the author’s secret world-building tips.

• How to create well-developed worlds by making one change in your writing.

• How you can improve your story premise by asking “What If.”

• Why adding an adrenaline rush to your story can both entice and satisfy readers.

• How genre-blending can strengthen your story and plot.

• How to hit tropes by first hitting your genre.

Discover how you can create the book of your dreams by making a few simple changes to your manuscript.

Multiple-award-winning author, Merrie Destefano, spent sixteen years in the publishing industry as a book and magazine editor, working for The Word For Today, Walter Foster Publishing, APG-Media, and Engaged Media. Her novels have been published by HarperCollins, Entangled Teen, and Ruby Slippers Press, and her books have won awards in both the science fiction and fantasy categories.

Get Your FREE Copy Now


About the Author 

Merrie Destefano
USA Today Bestselling and Multiple Award-Winning author, Merrie Destefano writes lyrical tales of magic, mystery, and hope. She studied art at Northern Illinois University, met her husband at a kazoo parade, rides her bike almost every day, and ugly cries during corny movies.

Her books have been published by HarperCollins, Entangled Teen, Walter Foster, and Ruby Slippers Press, and, most likely, she's writing her next book while you're reading this. She has worked for Focus on the Family, The Word For Today, Engaged Media, and PJS Publications, and her magazine work includes editor of Victorian Homes magazine, Zombies magazine, Haunted: Mysteries And Legends magazine, American Farmhouse Style magazine, Vintage Gardens magazine and founding editor of Cottages & Bungalows magazine. Her co-authored art books include How To Draw Vampires, How To Draw Zombies, and How to Draw Grimm's Dark Fairy Tales.

Born in the Midwest she now lives in Southern California, where she runs on caffeine, and shares her home with rescue dogs and cats. And although she dearly loves science fiction, in her heart of hearts, she still doesn't believe airplanes should be able to fly.

Her writing awards include:

• USA Today Bestselling Author: December 19, 2021

• Realm Award Finalist, Audiobook, Shade: Book 1: 2021 Realm Makers Awards

• Realm Award Winner, Paranormal/Horror, Shade: The Complete Trilogy, 2019 Realm Makers Awards

• Silver Medal Winner, YA Horror/Mystery, Shade: The Complete Trilogy, 2019 Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards

• Second Place Winner, YA/NA Speculative Fiction, Valiant, 2019 YARWA Athena Awards

• Writer Of The Year, Merrie Destefano, 2010 Mount Hermon Writer’s Conference

To learn more, please visit her website:

Merrie Destefano Books at Amazon

Monday, November 28, 2022

Creative Writing 101: According to Kurt Vonnegut

Creative Writing 101: According to Kurt Vonnegut


Kurt Vonnegut the author of praised novels Cat's Cradle, Slaughterhouse-Five, and Breakfast of Champions, has given his readers, from his short story collection, Bagombo Snuff Box, eight rules on how to write a successful story. The list can be found in the Introduction of the collection.

"Now lend me your ears. Here is Creative Writing 101:

  1. Use the time of a total stranger in such a way that he or she will not feel the time was wasted.
  2. Give the reader at least one character he or she can root for.
  3. Every character should want something, even if it is only a glass of water.
  4. Every sentence must do one of two things—reveal character or advance the action.
  5. Start as close to the end as possible.
  6. Be a sadist. No matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them—in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
  7. Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.
  8. Give your readers as much information as possible as soon as possible. To heck with suspense. Readers should have such complete understanding of what is going on, where and why, that they could finish the story themselves, should cockroaches eat the last few pages."


About the Author

Kurt Vonnegut
Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (November 11, 1922 – April 11, 2007) was an American writer. In a career spanning over 50 years, he published 14 novels, three short story collections, five plays, and five nonfiction works, with further collections being published after his death. Wikipedia

Buy Kurt Vonnegut Books at Amazon