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Free Fiction Writing Tips: Where Modern and Classic Writing Crafts Collide


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Writing Books Index

Writing Books Index

Fiction Study

  1. A Manual of the Art of Fiction by Clayton Hamilton (1919)
  2. A Study of Prose Fiction by Bliss Perry (1902)
  3. Fiction as Art and Life by Robert Saunders Dowst (1919)
  4.  Forces in Fiction and Other Essays
  5. How to Study The Best Short Stories by Blanche Colton Williams (1919)
  6. Materials and Methods of Fiction by Clayton Hamilton (1911)
  7. The Importance of the Single Effect in a Prose Tale by Edgar Allan Poe (1842)
  8. The Two Supreme and Highest Arts by Oscar Wilde

Fiction Writing

  1. Analyzing a story's plot: Freytag's Pyramid
  2. An Important Quality of the Writer's Mind is Sympathy by Elinor Glyn (1922)
  3. Anton Chekhov’s “Gun Theory” of Writing
  4. Caroline Gordon Advice on Fiction Writing to Flannery O’Connor
  5. Composition-Rhetoric by Stratton D. Brooks and Marietta Hubbard
  6. Fiction Writing: Characterization by Robert Saunders Dowst (1918)
  7. Figures of Speech by F. V. N. Painter (1903)
  8. Fundamentals of Fiction Writing by Arthur Sullivant Hoffman
  9. How do I get my Start as a Writer?
  10. How to Tell a Story, and Other Essays by Mark Twain
  11. Kinds of Description  by Lewis Worthington Smith
  12. Learn to Write Short Stories Studying the Classic How-To Books
  13.  Many Who Attempt To Write Can Never Succeed
  14. Notes On Writing Weird Fiction by H.P. Lovecraft
  15. Talks on Writing English by Arlo Bates 
  16. The Art Of Fiction by Henry James
  17. The Art of Story Writing : Facts and Information about Literary Work of Practical Value of Both Amateur and Professional Writers by Nathaniel Clark Fowler Jr.
  18. The Art of the Story-Teller by Marie L. Shedlock
  19. The Art of Writing by George Randolph Chester
  20. The Art Of Writing Fiction by Mary Burchard Orvis (1948)
  21. The Author's Craft by Arnold Bennett (1914)
  22. The Craft of Fiction by Percy Lubbock (1921)
  23. The Philosophy of Composition. By Edgar Allan Poe 
  24. The Prince of Storytellers Tells His Own Story by E. Phillips Oppenheim
  25. The Subjective and Objective Writer by Lewis Worthington Smith (1902)
  26. The Technique of Fiction Writing by Robert Saunders Dowst (1918) 
  27.  The Technique of the Mystery Story (1913) by Carolyn Wells
  28. The Technique of the Mystery Story by Carolyn Wells (1913)
  29. The Writer, Volume VI, April 1892. by Various
  30. Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations by Georges Polti
  31.  Prefaces to Fiction by Boyce, Argens, Derrick, Manley, Scudéry, and Warburton

Literary Criticism

  1. Confessions and Criticisms by Julian Hawthorne 
  2. Criticism and Fiction by William Dean Howells
  3. Masters of the English Novel: A Study of Principles and Personalities by Richard Burton (1909)
  4. The English Novel and the Principle of its Development by Sidney Lanier (1883)

Novel Writing

  1. A Model Lesson in Novel Writing
  2. A Novelist on Novels by Walter Lionel George
  3. Fiction Writing: The Novel by Robert Saunders Dowst (1918)
  4. How I Write My Novels by Margaret Wolfe Hamilton (1897)
  5. How to Write a Novel: A Practical Guide to the Art of Fiction
  6. The Responsibilities Of The Novelist, And Other Literary Essays by Frank Norris (1903)
  7. The Novel v. The Short Story by Anonymous (1901)
  8. The Novel; What It Is by F. Marion Crawford
  9. The Study of a Novel by Seldon Lincoln Whitcomb (1905)
  10. The Technique of the Novel. The Elements of the Art, Their Evolution by Charles Francis Horne (1908)
  11. Writing the Atmosphere / Tone of a Story by Robert Saunders Dowst (1918)


Play Writing

  1. Gustav Freytag's Dramatic Technique by Gustav Freytag
  2. How to Write a Play by William Gillette and Dudley H. Miles

 Poetry Writing

  1. The Poetics of Aristotle by Aristotle 

Short Story Writing

  1. A Manual of the Short Story Art by Glenn Clark (1922)
  2. Climax and Conclusion by Charles Raymond Barrett
  3. Elinor Glyn System of Writing (1922)
  4. Fiction Writing: The Short Story Robert Saunders Dowst (1918)
  5. Hints on Writing Short Stories by Charles Joseph Finger (1922)
  6. How to Write a Short Story: An Exposition of the Technique of Short Fiction (1906)
  7. How To Write Fiction, Especially The Art Of Short Story Writing : A Practical Study Of Technique (1896)
  8. How To Write A Short Story
  9. How to Write Short Stories by  L. Josephine Bridgart, (1921) 
  10. Narrative Forms by Lewis Worthington Smith (1902)
  11. Requirements of the Short Story by Rosa M. R. Mikels (1915)
  12. Short Story: its Principles and Structure by Evelyn May Albright, (1907)
  13. Short Story Writing: A Practical Treatise on the Art of The Short Story by Charles Raymond Barrett (1900)
  14. Short Story Writing : an Art or a Trade? by Nathan Bryllion Fagin
  15.  Short Story Writing And Free Lance Journalism by Sydney A Moseley
  16. Story Composition by Sherwin Cody (1897)
  17. Studying the Short Story: sixteen short-story classics, with introductions, notes and a new laboratory study method for individual reading and use in colleges and schools. (1918)
  18. The Contemporary Short Story, a Practical Manual by Harry Torsey Baker, ( 1916)
  19. The Character Interest by Lewis Worthington Smith
  20. The Elements of the Short Story by Edward Everett Hale and Fredrick Thomas Dawson, (1915)
  21. The Plot of the Short Story by Henry Albert Phillips (1912)
  22. The Writing of the Short Story by Lewis Worthington Smith (1902)


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