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Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Fabulism: Exploring the Boundaries Between Reality and Imagination

Fabulism: Exploring the Boundaries Between Reality and Imagination 

Fabulism: Exploring the Boundaries Between Reality and Imagination


by Olivia Salter

Fabulism, often described as a genre that blurs the line between reality and fantasy, has gained popularity in contemporary literature for its ability to captivate audiences with its enchanting narratives and thought-provoking themes. Rooted in fairy tales, folklore, and mythologies, fabulism explores the mysteries of the world through storytelling that defies traditional genre classifications. Writers of fabulism weave magical elements into their narratives, creating worlds where the impossible becomes possible and the mundane is transformed into the extraordinary.

At the heart of fabulism lies a sense of wonder and the exploration of the unknown. Authors who embrace this genre often delve into themes of transformation, identity, and belonging, using fantastic elements to shed light on complex human experiences. By blending reality with the fantastic, fabulism offers readers a fresh perspective on familiar themes and challenges traditional notions of what is considered possible.

One of the key characteristics of fabulism is its use of symbolism and allegory to convey deeper truths about the world we live in. Through fantastic creatures, magical objects, and otherworldly settings, writers of fabulism can explore complex social issues, philosophical concepts, and emotional truths in a way that invites readers to engage with the text on multiple levels. This layering of meaning adds depth and richness to fabulist works, inviting readers to uncover hidden truths and meanings beneath the surface of the narrative.

In writing fabulism, authors are encouraged to embrace the imaginative and the surreal, pushing the boundaries of what is considered possible. By infusing their stories with elements of magic, mythology, and folklore, writers can create worlds that are both captivating and thought-provoking, inviting readers to suspend their disbelief and embark on a journey of wonder and discovery.

To write fabulism effectively, writers must pay careful attention to world-building, character development, and thematic resonance. Creating a vivid and immersive world for readers to explore is essential in fabulist storytelling, as is crafting complex and memorable characters who resonate with readers on an emotional level. Additionally, weaving thematic threads throughout the narrative can help give the story depth and coherence, allowing readers to connect with the underlying messages and ideas being explored.

Ultimately, fabulism is a genre that celebrates the power of imagination and the beauty of storytelling. By blending reality with the fantastic, writers of fabulism are able to craft narratives that challenge our perceptions of the world and invite us to see things in a new light. Whether exploring the depths of the human psyche, the mysteries of the natural world, or the complexities of society, fabulism offers a unique and captivating lens through which to view the world and our place in it.


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Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Organizing: What's Holding You Back?

Advanced Fiction Writing by Randy Ingermanson

Organizing: What's Holding You Back?


Organizing: What's Holding You Back?


By Randy Ingermanson

Advanced Fiction Writing


I recently discovered something about myself that surprised me. Something that makes me take a lot longer to get things done than I should. Something that sometimes keeps me from finishing tasks. Something that occasionally even keeps me from trying in the first place.

I'm a pessimist.

This came as quite a surprise. After all, I'm not nearly as pessimistic as "Joe," a guy I used to work with. Every time I suggested a new idea to "Joe," the first thing he'd say was, "Now be careful! There's a lot of things you haven't thought about yet." Then he'd shoot the idea down with rocket-powered grenades.

After a while, I learned not to run ideas past "Joe" because apparently, all my ideas were bad.

I haven't seen "Joe" in years, and I'm pretty sure I'm not as pessimistic as he is. But somewhere along the way, I definitely went over to the Dark Side. I became more like him than I ever imagined possible.

That's the bad news. The good news is that pessimism is not forever. You can quit being a pessimist and start being an optimist.

But should you? Aren't those pesky pessimists more in touch with reality than those annoying optimists?

Yes and no.

Yes, pessimists generally do have a better grasp of the hard realities of the situation. "Life sucks" and all that. You can prove in the lab that pessimists are better at recognizing reality.

But no, no, no, because in very real ways, you make your own reality. We all know about self-fulfilling prophecies. Those work both ways. Optimists are happier, healthier, and get more done. Because they expect to. Pessimists are less happy, less healthy, and get less done. Because they expect to. Again, you can measure that difference in the lab.

If you're a pessimist and you want to know what's holding you back in life, just go look in a mirror.

It's you. But you already knew that, and you were already down on yourself, and now you're mad at me for blaming you, but realistically, you secretly believe it's your own darned fault, so you're really just mad at me for telling you what you already knew.

Sorry about that. I feel your pain. Remember, I'm a pessimist too, and I'm probably a bigger one than you are.

I'm a pessimist, but I'm going to change. Which is actually an optimistic thing to say, and it means the cure is already working.

What is pessimism? And what is optimism? And how do you know which you are?

I'm not the expert on this. Martin Seligman is the expert, and he has been for a long time. Recently, somebody recommended Seligman's book to me. The title is LEARNED OPTIMISM.

I grabbed a copy off Amazon and began reading. Seligman hooked me right away with his account of how he and a number of other researchers broke the stranglehold on psychology that had been held for decades by the behaviorists.

Behaviorists taught that people were created by their environment. To change a person, you had to condition him to a new behavior. A person couldn't change himself merely by thinking differently, because thinking didn't matter. Only conditioning mattered.

What Seligman and others showed was that the behaviorists were wrong. The way you think matters. Thinking optimistically, you could change things for the better. Thinking pessimistically, you could change things for the worse -- or at best just wallow in the "life sucks" mud.

There's a test you can take in LEARNED OPTIMISM that helps you figure out your particular style of thinking. There are three particular aspects to measure:

* Permanence -- if things are good (or bad), do you expect them to stay like that for a long time? * Pervasiveness -- if one thing is good (or bad), do you expect everything else to be like that? * Personalization -- if things are good (or bad), who gets the credit (or blame) -- you or somebody else?

Optimists think that good things will continue on but that bad things will go away soon. Likewise, they think that good things are pervasive whereas bad things are merely aberrations from the norm. When good things happen, optimists are willing to take a fair share of the credit; when bad things happen, they're willing to let others take a fair share of the blame.

Pessimists are the opposite on all of these.

I took the test and discovered that I'm somewhat pessimistic in two of these aspects and strongly pessimistic in the other.

That's not good. But (having now read the book) it's not permanent. I can change if I want to. Furthermore, that pessimism is in my head, it's not a pervasive feature of the universe. Most importantly, my pessimism isn't entirely my fault, because I can see now who taught it to me.

The above paragraph is a model of how to change from pessimism to optimism. Both optimism and pessimism are driven by your beliefs, which are driven by what you tell yourself.

When you change your self-talk, you change your beliefs. When you change your beliefs, you change your behavior. When you change your behavior, you change your life. Chapters 12, 13, and 14 of LEARNED OPTIIMISM teach you the techniques you need to change your self-talk.

Let's be clear on one thing. Optimism is not about the alleged "power of positive thinking," not about making those wretchedly gooey self-affirmations, and not about telling lies to yourself.

Optimism is about looking for alternative plausible explanations that might lead to improving your life.

Pessimism is about looking for alternative plausible explanations that might lead to disimproving your life.

Which of those is likely to make you happier, healthier, and more productive? Bringing this home to the topic of fiction writing, which of those is likely to help you get your novel written, get it read by an agent, and get it published?

Research shows that optimism is an invaluable tool in dealing with criticism and rejection. If you've ever shut down for three days after a tough critique, or stopped sending out query letters for three months after getting a rejection from that perfect agent, then you can see the value of learning optimism.

Optimism will keep you going through the hard times as a writer. And you are going to have hard times. That will never change. What can change is how you respond to those hard times.

There is no way I can explain in 500 words exactly how it all works. The best I can do is to point you to Martin Seligman's book and tell you that I think it's gold. I expect this book is going to revolutionize my life in the next year. I hope it changes yours too.

Here's my Amazon affiliate link to LEARNED OPTIMISM.


About The Author

Randy Ingermanson
Randy Ingermanson is a theoretical physicist and the award-winning author of six novels. He has taught at numerous writing conferences over the years and publishes the free monthly Advanced Fiction Writing E-zine.