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Friday, October 20, 2023

Novel Goals: Captivating and Accessible Reading by Olivia Salter

Novel Goals: Captivating and Accessible Reading by Olivia Salter


Novel Goals: Captivating and Accessible Reading


by Olivia Salter


Laurence D'Orsay, a renowned author, once said, "Make your novel readable. Make it easy and pleasant to read. This doesn't mean flowery passages or ambitious flights of pyrotechnic verbiage; it means strong, simple, natural sentences." In this insightful quote, D'Orsay emphasizes the importance of creating a captivating and accessible reading experience through the use of clear and straightforward language.

One of the fundamental goals of writing is to effectively communicate ideas and stories to readers. However, achieving this can often prove challenging, especially for aspiring authors who may be tempted to impress their audience with complex vocabulary and ornate prose. D'Orsay cautions against this tendency, suggesting that simplicity and naturalness are key to engaging readers and making a lasting impact.

The first aspect D'Orsay highlights is the readability of a novel. Readability refers to the ease with which a piece of writing can be understood. By making a novel readable, the author ensures that readers can effortlessly navigate through the text, comprehending its message without unnecessary hindrances. This can be accomplished by using uncomplicated sentence structures, concise expressions, and avoiding convoluted language.

Furthermore, D'Orsay encourages writers to make their work pleasant to read. While the definition of "pleasant" may vary from person to person, it generally refers to an enjoyable experience that keeps readers immersed and captivated. Achieving pleasantness requires striking a balance between engaging storytelling and the skillful usage of language. It involves creating an atmosphere that draws readers in, evoking emotions, and crafting memorable characters and narratives.

D'Orsay's quote challenges the notion that impressive writing must be filled with flowery and ornate language. Instead, he advocates for strong and simple sentences that have the power to leave a lasting impact on the reader. The strength of a sentence lies in its ability to convey meaning effectively, evoke emotions, and create vivid imagery. A strong sentence is concise, focused, and leaves no room for confusion or ambiguity.

Naturalness is another key element emphasized by D'Orsay. Natural sentences flow seamlessly, mirroring the rhythm and cadence of everyday speech. This creates an immersive reading experience, allowing readers to connect with the characters and story effortlessly. Using overly complex or artificial language can create a barrier between the reader and the narrative, diminishing the overall impact of the novel.

In conclusion, Laurence D'Orsay's quote encapsulates the essence of good writing. By prioritizing readability and pleasantness and utilizing strong, simple, and natural sentences, authors can craft novels that resonate with readers on a profound level. It is in the mastery of these techniques that the true art of storytelling is found. So, aspiring writers should take heed of D'Orsay's advice and strive to create works that are both accessible and impactful, leaving an indelible mark in the minds and hearts of their readers.


๐Ÿ‘‰Laurence D'Orsay books at Amazon


Thursday, October 19, 2023

Truth in Literature: Applying the Human Experience to Your Fiction Writing

Truth in Literature: Applying the Human Experience to Your Fiction Writing

Truth in Literature: Applying the Human Experience to Your Fiction Writing



by Olivia Salter

In the world of literature and storytelling, there is a profound connection between fiction writing and life. The two are intricately intertwined, with each one affecting and influencing the other in numerous ways. It can be said that you cannot truly excel in one without understanding and experiencing the other. 

Fiction writing, in its essence, is a reflection of life itself. It is an art form that allows us to express our thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a meaningful and creative manner. Through writing, we are able to share our stories, ideas, and perspectives with others, connecting on a deep and often profound level. In turn, this connection with others expands our understanding of life and provides us with new insights and perspectives.

Moreover, fiction writing has the power to shape our own experiences and provide us with a sense of purpose and clarity. When we engage in the act of writing, we often delve deep into our own thoughts and emotions, unearthing hidden truths and discovering new dimensions of ourselves. It allows us to explore complex ideas and experiences, unraveling the intricacies of life and making sense of the world around us.

On the other hand, life itself fuels our writing. Our experiences, both positive and negative, serve as the inspiration for our stories, characters, and themes. Every triumph, heartbreak, and moment of joy adds depth and authenticity to our writing, allowing us to create rich and compelling narratives that resonate with readers. Life provides us with an endless well of inspiration, constantly shaping and molding the stories we choose to tell.

Furthermore, writing is a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery. As we navigate the challenges and uncertainties of life, writing becomes a form of therapy, a means to make sense of our experiences and find solace. It allows us to process our emotions, explore different perspectives, and ultimately find meaning and purpose in our lives. Through writing, we can discover our true passions and desires, uncovering our own unique voice and identity.

In many ways, writing and life serve as guideposts for one another. Writing provides us with the blueprint for navigating life's problems and challenges. It teaches us the importance of crafting compelling narratives, developing complex characters, and creating meaningful connections with others. In turn, life gives us the material and experiences we need to infuse our writing with authenticity and depth. It provides us with the inspiration and insight necessary to capture the complexities of the human experience.

In conclusion, the connection between fiction writing and life is undeniable. They are intertwined in a profound and reciprocal relationship, constantly influencing and enriching one another. Writing allows us to reflect on and make sense of our experiences, while life provides us with the inspiration and substance to fuel our writing. It is through this interplay that we can truly excel both as writers and as individuals, discovering the beauty and depth of the human experience in the process.


๐Ÿ‘‰Fiction Writing books at Amazon


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

We Need Books That Affect Us Like a Disaster: The Impact of Literature on the Human Spirit

We Need Books That Affect Us Like a Disaster: The Impact of Literature on the Human Spirit 


by Olivia Salter


We need books that affect us like a disaster, that grieve us deeply, like the death of someone we loved more than ourselves, like being banished into forests far from everyone, like a suicide. A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us.

-- Franz Kafka


 In the realm of literature, there are books that merely entertain us, whisking us away into realms of fantasy or providing a temporary escape from reality. Then there are books that go far beyond mere entertainment. They grip our souls, shake us to our core, and leave an indelible mark on our very existence. These are the books that Franz Kafka alludes to when he speaks of the need for literature to affect us like a disaster, to grieve us deeply, and to shake our innermost being.

Kafka's poignant quote evokes the profound emotional impact that certain books can have on us. He compares this transformative power of literature to intense life experiences, such as the death of a loved one or the isolation of being banished into the depths of a forest. These are events that elicit intense emotions, forcing us to confront the depths of our own existence. Similarly, Kafka sees literature as a vessel that can delve deep into the recesses of our consciousness, breaking through the frozen sea within us.

The first part of Kafka's quote suggests that books should affect us like a disaster. Disasters, whether natural or man-made, have a way of overwhelming us and shattering our sense of security. They plunge us into chaos, reminding us of the fragility of our lives. In the same vein, literature can disrupt our comfortable complacency and challenge our preconceived notions. It can confront us with uncomfortable truths, exposing us to perspectives that we may have never considered. Through the raw power of storytelling, books can act as catalysts for change, challenging us to reevaluate our beliefs and reshape our worldview.

The second part of the quote compares literature to the death of someone we loved more than ourselves. The death of a loved one is an experience that defies comprehension. It forces us to confront our mortality and grapple with profound grief. Similarly, certain books have the power to stir deep emotions within us, evoking empathy and compassion for the lives of fictional characters. Through vivid storytelling, authors can breathe life into their creations, making us feel their joys, sorrows, and struggles. In doing so, literature has the capacity to connect us to the shared human experience, teaching us empathy and expanding our emotional capacity.

Kafka further likens powerful books to being banished into forests far from everyone. The isolation and solitude of the natural world can magnify our emotions, leading to introspection and self-discovery. Similarly, literature can be a solitary journey, immersing us in the thoughts and emotions of characters who grapple with their own dilemmas. As we immerse ourselves in their stories, we confront our own inner demons, hopes, and desires. Books act as mirrors, reflecting our own thoughts and feelings and, in the process, enabling us to better understand ourselves and the world around us.

Lastly, Kafka compares the impact of books to suicide, a devastating act that extinguishes life itself. This provocative analogy suggests that literature can be a means of transformative liberation. Just as suicide can be seen as the ultimate act of escape from unbearable suffering, literature can provide an alternative path for catharsis and release. Through the written word, authors can articulate the unspoken, voice the silenced, and provide solace to readers who may find themselves grappling with their own inner turmoil.

In conclusion, Franz Kafka's powerful quote reminds us of the profound impact that literature can have on the human spirit. Books possess the ability to affect us like a disaster, provoke deep grief, and plunge us into introspective isolation. They can be the axe that breaks through the frozen sea within us, stirring emotions, fostering empathy, and facilitating personal growth. By embracing these transformative books, we open ourselves up to new perspectives, heightened empathy, and a greater understanding of the complexities of the human experience.


Also see:

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Writing Prompt: Music to my Ears

Writing Prompt

 Writing Prompt: Music to my Ears


These exercises were written by IWW members and administrators to provide structured practice opportunities for its members. You are welcome to use them for practice as well. Please mention that you found them at the Internet Writers Workshop



Exercise:  In 400 words or less, write a scene in which a musical instrument is important.



Your scene could be written from the point of view of someone hearing an instrument being played, wanting to be able to play an instrument, listening to someone practice (happily or unhappily), or even, if you dare, from the point of view of the instrument itself.

You could write about an unusual instrument, something from another culture; or about a musical instrument associated with an historical person or event, e.g., the little drummer boy, or bagpipers rousing men for battle, or a bugle playing Taps.

You could write about a concert experience, or about someone whose "life" is his instrument, the virtuoso, the wannabe, or the has-been. How do you feel about accordions?  Did your mother make you practice piano / violin / kettle drums every day when you were a kid?


In your critique tell the author whether or not the work fits the exercise and why.  Let the author know what you think worked or didn't work, and why.

And, in this particular exercise, you might also want to consider the
author's handling of the sense of sound, not only the physical sound, but its emotional effect. Does he write about the sound of an instrument in such a way that the reader will share the experience?  Is the piece wildly creative, or reassuringly factual?  What did you learn from it that will affect your own writing?


Some more writing prompts for you to try.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Writing Prompt: Wake Up

Writing Prompt

 Writing Prompt: Wake Up


These exercises were written by IWW members and administrators to provide structured practice opportunities for its members. You are welcome to use them for practice as well. Please mention that you found them at the Internet Writers Workshop



 Exercise: In 400 words or less, your character awakes in an unexpected location and you must show how the character reacts.


Your character comes to consciousness and is surprised by the surroundings. Show your readers what the character experiences, how he/she behaves.

The tale should begin the moment the character wakes up. Remember, this is not to be a story about a dream, but about a real event in your character's life.


In your critiques, note how well the writer has constructed the setting and shown us authentic characters acting in believable ways. What do we learn of the characters from their reactions? Would you like to read more of the story? And, as usual, pay attention to all the technical concerns that go into good writing. 


Some more writing prompts for you to try.

Unleashing Creativity: Rekindle the Imagination with Fiction Writing Prompts by Olivia Salter

Unleashing Creativity: Rekindle the Imagination with Fiction Writing Prompts

Unleashing Creativity: Rekindle the Imagination with Fiction Writing Prompts 


by Olivia Salter



As any writer knows, the creative process can sometimes be a fickle friend. There are moments when inspiration flows effortlessly and ideas pour onto the page effortlessly. But there are also times when the dreaded writer's block takes hold, leaving a blank and unyielding canvas. It is during these times that fiction writing prompts can serve as a valuable tool for writers to rekindle their imagination and spur their creativity.

Fiction writing prompts are concise, thought-provoking phrases, sentences, or situations designed to ignite the writer's imagination and stimulate the creation of new storylines or characters. They serve as seeds from which a writer can grow a captivating narrative, exploring uncharted territories and pushing their creative boundaries. Here are a few reasons why writers should incorporate fiction writing prompts into their writing routine:

1. Ignite Creativity: Writing prompts provide the perfect spark to jump-start the creative engine. By presenting a unique concept, character, or scenario, prompts challenge writers to think outside the box and explore ideas they may have never considered before. They serve as a creative catalyst, forcing writers to embark on a journey beyond their comfort zones.

2. Overcome Writer's Block: Every writer has encountered that dreaded feeling of staring at a blank page, unable to find the right words. Writing prompts act as antidotes to writer's block, giving writers a direction when they feel lost. Prompts provide a starting point, eliminating the blank page syndrome and moving writers beyond that initial hurdle.

3. Practice and Experimentation: Writing prompts offer a structured way for writers to practice their craft and experiment with different styles, genres, and narrative techniques. By using prompts regularly, writers can enhance their writing skills, explore new genres, and broaden their horizons. It allows them to step out of their comfort zones and develop versatility in their storytelling.

4. Enhance Skills: Writing prompts can focus on specific elements of storytelling, such as dialogue, setting, or character development. By using these prompts, writers can hone their skills in these areas and develop a deeper understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. This focused practice can lead to significant improvements in their overall writing abilities.

5. Inspiration for Larger Projects: Prompts can serve as the foundation for larger writing projects. A seemingly insignificant prompt can evolve into a fully-fledged novel, short story, or screenplay. They act as seeds that grow into intricate worlds, complex plots, and captivating characters. Starting small with a prompt can unleash an avalanche of inspiration and lead to remarkable creative endeavors.

6. Break Routine and Avoid Stagnation: Writing prompts provide variety and excitement in the writing process. They inject freshness into a writer's routine and break the monotony of working on a single project for an extended period. Prompts present new challenges and push writers to think differently, preventing stagnation and encouraging continuous growth.

7. Connect with Writing Communities: Many writers use writing prompts as a bonding experience with other writers. Sharing and discussing prompts with fellow authors can foster a sense of community, feedback, and encouragement. It creates opportunities for collaboration and engagement with like-minded individuals, creating a supportive network of fellow writers.

In conclusion, fiction writing prompts offer countless benefits to writers, whether they are beginners or seasoned professionals. They act as a catalyst for creativity, a tool to overcome writer's block, and a guide for skill improvement. By incorporating these prompts into their writing routine, writers open the door to endless possibilities, explore uncharted territories, and weave captivating tales. So, the next time you find yourself facing a blank page, embrace the power of fiction writing prompts and let your imagination soar.


Also see:

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

The Magic of Fantasy Writing: Exploring Vast Fictional Realities through Worldbuilding by Olivia Salter

The Magic of Fantasy Writing: Exploring Vast Fictional Realities through Worldbuilding by Olivia Salter


The Magic of Fantasy Writing: Exploring Vast Fictional Realities through Worldbuilding 


by Olivia Salter

Fantasy writing serves as a gateway to boundless imagination, allowing readers to escape the constraints of the real world and journey into incredible realms of wonder. From enchanting lands inhabited by mythical creatures to daring adventures through uncharted territories, fantasy literature offers a captivating escape from reality. At the heart of these fantastic tales lies the art of worldbuilding, where authors craft intricate and immersive fictional realities to transport readers to extraordinary realms. This article explores the power of fantasy writing and the pivotal role worldbuilding plays in creating rich and expansive fictional worlds.

Unleashing Imagination through Worldbuilding:

Fantasy writing is blessed with a unique freedom: the absence of scientific and societal boundaries. Fantasy authors are unrestricted by the laws of physics, history, and cultural norms, enabling them to create diverse, awe-inspiring realms limited solely by the depths of their imagination. Through the process of worldbuilding, authors delve into the minutiae of these fictitious realities, shaping everything from geography and history to magic systems and distinct cultures.

Immersive imagery and vivid description:

One of the key elements of worldbuilding is the art of immersive imagery and vivid description. Fantasy authors strive to ignite readers' senses by painting detailed landscapes, thriving civilizations, and awe-inspiring magic systems. By skillfully weaving descriptive prose, authors enable readers to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel the allure of these fantastic realms, making them come alive within the reader's mind. From the towering spires of elven cities to the secrets whispered by ancient tomes, each detail immerses the reader further into the author's imagined world.

Rich Characters and Diverse Cultures:

Worldbuilding extends beyond creating just a vivid setting; it involves the creation of complex characters and diverse cultures that inhabit these fantastic realms. In fantasy literature, readers are introduced to heroes, villains, and everything in between—each with their own motivations, fears, and struggles. These characters bring depth and humanity to the story, enabling readers to form deep connections and become emotionally invested in their journeys.

Furthermore, fantasy worlds are often home to diverse cultures influenced by their unique histories, beliefs, and traditions. As authors develop these societies, they explore concepts of governance, social dynamics, and moral systems, creating thought-provoking reflections of our own world in a new context. Through these cultural landscapes, fantasy writing provides opportunities for readers to challenge their perspectives, question societal norms, and ponder moral dilemmas.

Magic and Imaginary Systems:

Fantasy worlds are frequently infused with magic, offering authors the chance to imagine enchanting systems that bend the rules of reality. From ancient incantations to mysterious artifacts, authors develop intricate frameworks that govern the use and limitations of magic, adding depth and intrigue to their fictional realities. Magic can be a central force driving the plot, influencing characters' lives, and shaping the world itself. It opens doors to endless possibilities, allowing readers to escape into realms where the impossible becomes possible.

In conclusion, fantasy writing and worldbuilding provide an avenue for authors and readers alike to explore vast arrays of fictional realities. The power of imagination knows no boundaries in the realm of fantasy, as authors create captivating worlds that captivate readers and allow them to dream beyond the confines of their daily lives. Through immersive worldbuilding, fantasy literature grants us the freedom to envision extraordinary landscapes, diverse cultures, and magical systems, providing an enchanting escape into realms that exist only within the pages of a book. So, dive into the world of fantasy and allow your imagination to take flight!


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