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Friday, April 26, 2024

Fiction Writing: Point of View Basics by Olivia Salter

 Point of view is one of the most essential elements in the craft of fiction. It serves as the lens through which both storytellers and readers perceive the narrative world. By choosing a specific point of view, writers can determine how readers interact with the characters, plot, and themes of their stories. Point of view influences the way readers experience the story, enabling them to see, hear, feel, smell, and taste the events from particular conscious and sensory perspectives.

In contemporary fiction, the evolution of characters' perceptions often plays a central role in the narrative arc. The choice of point of view is crucial in shaping how readers connect with characters and their journeys of growth and change. The narrator's perspective influences the content of the story, guiding readers through the narrative landscape and shaping their understanding of the characters and events unfolding before them.

A key decision that writers must make is determining who will tell the story. The narrator can be a character within the story (first-person point of view), an outside observer with limited knowledge of the characters' thoughts and feelings (third-person limited point of view), or an all-knowing entity with insights into all characters and events (third-person omniscient point of view). Each perspective offers unique advantages and challenges, influencing the reader's immersion in the story and their emotional engagement with the characters. 

A first-person point of view allows readers to experience the story directly through the eyes of a specific character, creating an intimate and immediate connection with their thoughts, emotions, and experiences. This perspective can offer a deep insight into the protagonist's inner world, fostering empathy and understanding between readers and characters. However, it may limit readers' access to other characters' perspectives and the broader events of the story. 

A third-person point of view, whether limited or omniscient, offers a more expansive view of the narrative world, allowing readers to follow multiple characters and storylines simultaneously. This perspective can provide a comprehensive understanding of the story's complexities and nuances, offering readers a broader perspective on the characters and events. However, it may create emotional distance between readers and characters, reducing the immediacy and intimacy of the storytelling experience.

The choice of point of view is a powerful tool that writers can use to shape the reader's engagement with the story. By selecting the appropriate perspective, writers can enhance the emotional impact of their narratives, deepen readers' connections to the characters, and guide them through the intricate web of plot twists and revelations. Point of view is a fundamental element that writers must consider carefully, as it plays a vital role in shaping the content, structure, and impact of their fiction.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Writing Quote: The Art of Storytelling vs. Plotting in Fiction Writing



The Art of Storytelling vs. Plotting in Fiction Writing


by Olivia Salter 

Of course, the writer can impose control; It’s just a really shitty idea. Writing controlled fiction is called “plotting.” Buckling your seatbelt and letting the story take over, however… that is called “storytelling.” Storytelling is as natural as breathing; plotting is the literary version of artificial respiration.

― Stephen King

Storytelling is a craft that has been passed down through generations, from the oral traditions of ancient civilizations to the modern-day masterpieces found in literature, film, and other forms of media. At the heart of storytelling is the ability to tap into the universal human experience, to connect with readers on a deep emotional level, and to transport them to new worlds where their imaginations can run wild.

In contrast, plotting can feel rigid and contrived, like a puzzle that must be meticulously pieced together. While there is certainly a place for structure and planning in the writing process, there is also something to be said for allowing the story to unfold organically, to let the characters guide the narrative, and to see where they will lead you.

When a writer relinquishes control and allows the story to take on a life of its own, the results can be surprising, exhilarating, and profoundly satisfying. It is in these moments of creative freedom that true magic can happen, where characters can break free from their constraints and the plot can twist and turn in unexpected ways.

Ultimately, the best stories are those that feel alive, vibrant, and authentic, that resonate with readers on a deep emotional level, and that linger in their minds long after the final page has been turned. By embracing the art of storytelling and trusting in the creative process, writers can tap into a wellspring of inspiration and craft narratives that are as natural and compelling as the act of breathing itself. 

About the Author of the Quote

Stephen Edwin King
Stephen Edwin King (born September 21, 1947) is an American author of horror, supernatural fiction, suspense, crime, science-fiction, and fantasy novels. Described as the "King of Horror", a play on his surname and a reference to his high standing in pop culture, his books have sold more than 350 million copies, and many have been adapted into films, television series, miniseries, and comic books. King has published 64 novels, including seven under the pen name Richard Bachman, and five non-fiction books. He has also written approximately 200 short stories, most of which have been published in book collections. Wikipedia

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Writing Quote: Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand ―Michael Scott


Writing Quote


Writer's Knowledge vs. Writers Imagination

by Olivia Salter


Michael Scott, the fictional character from the popular TV show "The Office," once famously said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world and all there ever will be to know and understand." This profound quote encapsulates the power and significance of imagination in comparison to knowledge.

The statement highlights a fundamental truth about the human experience—that while knowledge is crucial for understanding the world around us, it is ultimately limited by what we have learned and experienced. Knowledge is based on facts, evidence, and information that we have accumulated through education, observation, and exploration. It provides us with a foundation to navigate our lives, make informed decisions, and solve problems. However, knowledge alone can be restrictive, as it is confined to what has already been discovered or understood.

On the other hand, imagination is boundless and limitless. It allows us to explore possibilities beyond the constraints of the known world and envision a reality that has not yet come to fruition. Imagination enables us to dream, create, and innovate, pushing the boundaries of what is considered possible. It fosters creativity, ingenuity, and originality, opening doors to new ideas, inventions, and discoveries.

While knowledge may provide us with answers to existing questions, imagination propels us to ask new questions and seek innovative solutions. It sparks curiosity, drives progress, and inspires breakthroughs in various fields, from science and technology to art and literature. Imagination encourages us to think outside the box, challenge the status quo, and envision a future that is different from the present.

Moreover, imagination plays a crucial role in shaping our perception of the world and influencing our beliefs, values, and aspirations. It allows us to empathize with others, see things from different perspectives, and cultivate a sense of wonder and awe. Through imagination, we can connect with our innermost desires, fears, and emotions, forging deep and meaningful experiences that enrich our lives.

In conclusion, Michael Scott's insightful quote reminds us of the transformative power of imagination and its ability to transcend the limitations of knowledge. While knowledge is essential for understanding the world as it is, imagination empowers us to envision the world as it could be. By embracing our capacity to imagine, we can unlock new possibilities, inspire change, and shape a reality that is filled with endless potential and boundless creativity.

 Also see:

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Unleashing the Power of the Monster: The Essence of Storytelling According to Billy Marshall

Writing Quote


Unleashing the Power of the Monster: The Essence of Storytelling According to Billy Marshall


by Olivia Salter

Billy Marshall's quote, "What monster sleeps in the depths of your story? You need a monster. Without a monster, there is no story," encapsulates the essence of storytelling. The monster represents conflict, adversity, and the challenges that characters face. It drives the plot forward, evokes emotions, and captivates the audience. Whether literal or metaphorical, the monster symbolizes the central obstacle that characters must overcome. Embracing the presence of a monster in a story adds depth, tension, and meaning, making the journey more compelling and rewarding for both the characters and the audience.

 In essence, the monster serves as a catalyst for growth and transformation. It pushes characters out of their comfort zones, forces them to confront their fears, and ultimately leads to their development. Without the presence of a monster, the story lacks conflict, resolution, and emotional resonance. Embrace the monster in your storytelling, for it is the key to creating a rich, engaging narrative that will resonate with audiences and leave a lasting impact. As Billy Marshall suggests, the monster in your story is not something to be feared but rather embraced as an essential component of a compelling and unforgettable tale.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Writing: What Is an Urban Legend?


What Is an Urban Legend?


by Olivia Salter


 Urban legends, also known as urban myths, urban tales, or contemporary legends, are intriguing narratives that have been passed down through generations, capturing the imagination of communities around the world. These stories are designed to evoke a mix of shock, humor, and disbelief, often leaving listeners both entertained and slightly unsettled. While urban legends are not typically graphic in nature, they often contain elements of the supernatural, the mysterious, or the bizarre.

One of the defining characteristics of urban legends is their ability to spread rapidly through word of mouth, gaining new details and variations as they are retold by different individuals. While the specifics of these stories may change depending on the region or cultural context in which they are shared, the core elements remain consistent, giving each tale a sense of shared history and authenticity.

Urban legends are commonly shared as true events, with many stories purported to have actually happened to someone's friend, relative, or acquaintance. This blending of fact and fiction adds to the allure of urban legends, blurring the line between reality and fantasy. As these stories are passed around, they often take on a life of their own, evolving and adapting to suit the fears, desires, and sensibilities of each new audience.

Despite their often fantastical nature, urban legends are not merely flights of fancy—they serve as a form of contemporary folklore, reflecting the values, fears, and beliefs of a particular culture or community. In this sense, they can be seen as a kind of folk art, preserving and sharing the collective wisdom and experiences of a group of people.

Urban legends are not confined to any specific setting or time period; they can emerge in any community, whether rural or urban, ancient or modern. The stories may center around haunted houses, mysterious creatures, unsolved crimes, or inexplicable events, drawing on universal themes that resonate with audiences across cultures.

In today's digital age, urban legends have found a new platform for dissemination through social media, online forums, and viral content. The rapid spread of these stories on the internet has given rise to a new wave of urban legends, continuing the tradition of storytelling in a global and interconnected world.

While the veracity of urban legends may be questionable, the enduring appeal of these tales lies in their ability to captivate and intrigue audiences, inviting them to explore the boundaries between truth and fiction, the known and the unknown. As long as there are storytellers and listeners eager for a thrill, urban legends will continue to thrive, shaping the cultural landscape with their tantalizing blend of fact and fiction.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Love Your Story: The Heart of Writing


Love Your Story: The Heart of Writing


by Olivia Salter


Embrace Your Passion

Every writer has a treasure trove of ideas, a collection of seeds that could grow into captivating stories. Yet, among these, there’s often one that stands out—the story that stirs your soul and sets your heart racing. This is the story you must tell.

Invest in Your Characters

Your characters are the lifeblood of your story. When you love them, your readers will too. Dive deep into their lives and understand their desires, fears, and secrets. Let them surprise you. Your passion for your characters will breathe life into them, making them leap off the page.

Craft Your Plot with Care

A plot is more than a series of events; it’s the journey your characters undertake and the transformation they undergo. When you’re invested in the plot, every twist and turn becomes a labor of love, a chance to challenge your characters and delight your readers.

Write with Authenticity

Your best writing happens when you’re true to yourself. Love your story, and let that love shine through your words. Authenticity resonates with readers, creating a bond that transcends the pages of your book.


To love your story is to commit to it and nurture it from a fledgling idea to a fully-fledged narrative. It’s about believing in the world you’ve created and the journey you’re inviting your readers to join. So, start with the story that captures your heart, for that’s where your best writing will flourish.


Thursday, April 18, 2024

Every story I create, creates me. I write to create myself. —Octavia E. Butler

Writing Quote


The Transformative Power of Storytelling


by Olivia Salter 

 Octavia E. Butler, a groundbreaking science fiction writer, once said, "Every story I create, creates me. I write to create myself." These profound words capture the essence of Butler's relationship with her craft and the transformative power of storytelling. Throughout her illustrious career, Butler crafted narratives that pushed boundaries, challenged norms, and delved deep into complex themes such as power, identity, and humanity.

Born in 1947, Octavia Estelle Butler overcame numerous obstacles to become one of the most celebrated voices in science fiction. As an African American woman writing in a genre dominated by white men, Butler's work was revolutionary in its exploration of diverse perspectives and marginalized experiences. Her commitment to inclusivity and social commentary set her apart in the world of speculative fiction.

Butler's quote speaks to the symbiotic relationship between the creator and their creations. For her, writing was not just a means of storytelling but a form of self-discovery and self-definition. Through the act of crafting narratives, Butler unearthed truths about herself, her beliefs, and her place in the world. Each story she wrote was a mirror reflecting different facets of her identity, shaping her understanding of herself and the world around her.

In Butler's works, readers encounter characters who grapple with issues of power dynamics, resilience, and the complexities of human nature. Whether exploring dystopian futures, post-apocalyptic landscapes, or alien encounters, Butler's stories are imbued with a deep sense of empathy and understanding. Her characters, often outsiders or underdogs, navigate challenging circumstances with courage and tenacity, reflecting Butler's own resilience in the face of adversity.

The act of creation, for Butler, was an act of empowerment. Through her writing, she carved out spaces for herself and others like her in a genre that had long been dominated by a narrow, homogenous perspective. By crafting stories that centered on diverse voices and experiences, Butler not only created rich and immersive narratives but also paved the way for future generations of writers to expand the boundaries of science fiction and speculative fiction.

Butler's quote serves as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of storytelling. As we weave tales and craft worlds, we not only entertain and enlighten others but also embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-realization. Like Butler, we have the opportunity to create ourselves anew with each story we tell and each word we pen. In the vast landscape of creativity, we discover not just the limits of our imagination but also the boundless potential of our own selves.

Octavia E. Butler's legacy endures as a testament to the enduring power of storytelling to shape minds, hearts, and souls. Through her words and worlds, she continues to inspire and challenge readers to imagine new possibilities, question the status quo, and embrace the transformative nature of creation. In the act of writing, as Butler reminds us, we have the power to not only create stories but to create ourselves.

👉Octavia E. Butler's books at Amazon