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Free Fiction Writing Tips: Where Modern and Classic Writing Crafts Collide


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Friday, April 26, 2019

Fiction Writing Tips: Kinds of Description

Kinds of Description

by Lewis Worthington Smith

Description is primarily of two kinds, that which is to give accurate information, and that which is to produce a definite impression not necessarily involving exactness of imagery. The first of these forms is useful simply in the way of explanation, serving the first purpose indicated in paragraph four. The second is useful for other purposes than that of exposition, often appealing incidentally to our sense of the beautiful, and requiring always nice literary skill in its management. It should be borne in mind always that literary description must not usurp the office of representations of the material in the plastic arts. It should not be employed as an end in itself, but only as subsidiary to other ends.

 Excrept from The Writing of the Short Story by Lewis Worthington Smith.



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