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Free Fiction Writing Tips: Where Modern and Classic Writing Crafts Collide


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Friday, March 11, 2022

How to Write a Short Story: An Exposition of the Technique of Short Fiction (1906) by Leslie Quirk

How to Write a Short Story: An Exposition of the Technique of Short Fiction (1906) by Leslie Quirk
How to Write a Short Story: An Exposition of the Technique of Short Fiction (1906) by Leslie Quirk- The material in the following pages is a series of suggestive talks rather than a scholarly discourse. I leave to others the discussion of polish, atmosphere, and artistic handling; I take for my theme the writing of a short story that will sell.  


This handy and brief guide will take you by the hand through the process of writing a novel or short story, from its conception and the choice of method, passing through different phases and aspects to their placement on the market and public distribution. Some illustrations have been added to the original to make it more vivid and interesting to read.


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