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Wednesday, December 7, 2022

The Craft of Fiction by Percy Lubbock (PDF)













First Published 1921.



 Percy Lubbock’s 1921 volume was one of the first major works of literary criticism to focus on the novel as a form. Literary criticism itself was in its infancy, but more importantly the novel seemed a less notable subject for criticism at the time than poetry and drama. Lubbock’s book is not just an argument about fiction, but for fiction—an attempt to provide a rationale for the novel as a high art form.



    Ambassadors, The, 145 ff., 156 ff., 189.
    Anna Karenina, 15, 52, 236 ff.
    Austen, Jane, 272.
    Awkward Age, The, 189 ff.

    Balzac, 48, 119, 203 ff., 220 ff., 241, 250.
    Barry Lyndon, 145.
    Bleak House, 129, 212 ff.
    BrontĂ«, Charlotte, 145.

    Clarissa Harlowe, 7, 152 ff.
    Crime and Punishment, 144.
    CurĂ© de Village, Le, 205.

    David Copperfield, 128 ff., 133 ff., 151.
    Defoe, 62.
    Denis Duval, 97.
    Dickens, Charles, 48, 128 ff., 133 ff., 151, 212 ff., 272.
    Dombey and Son, 214.
    Dostoevsky, 46, 47, 119, 144, 151.

    Eliot, George, 119, 273.
    Esmond, 97, 107 ff., 126 ff., 135, 188, 218.
    EugĂ©nie Grandet, 205, 221 ff.

    Fielding, Henry, 49, 119.
    Flaubert, Gustave, 60 ff., 117, 118, 189, 269. [276]

    Harry Richmond, 130 ff.

    Illusions Perdues, 212.

    James, Henry, 110, 111, 145 ff., 156 ff., 172 ff., 189 ff.
    Jane Eyre, 145.

    Little Dorrit, 129, 214.

    Madame Bovary, 60 ff., 117, 118, 189, 269.
    Marius the Epicurean, 195, 196.
    Master of Ballantrae, The, 218.
    Maupassant, Guy de, 48, 112, 113.
    Meredith, George, 48, 130 ff.

    Newcomes, The, 107, 108, 125, 188.

    Our Mutual Friend, 129, 214.

    Pater, Walter, 195, 196.
    Pendennis, 97, 107, 117.
    Père Goriot, 205 ff.
    Princesse de Clèves, La, 202.

    Recherche de l'Absolu, La, 205, 232 ff.
    Resurrection, 249, 250.
    Richardson, Samuel, 7, 152 ff.

    Scott, Sir Walter, 49.
    Sir Charles Grandison, 155.
    Splendeurs et Misères des Courtisanes, 211.
    Stendhal, 48.
    Stevenson, R. L., 129, 212, 217. [277]

    Thackeray, W. M., 49, 87, 88, 93 ff., 110 ff., 124 ff., 145, 188.
    Tolstoy, 15 ff., 26 ff., 43 ff., 119, 236 ff.
    Turgenev, 121, 122.

    Vanity Fair, 94 ff., 124, 125.
    Virginians, The, 188.

    War and Peace, 26 ff., 43 ff.
    Wings of the Dove, The, 174 ff.
    Wrecker, The, 217.

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About the Author 

Percy Lubbock, CBE (4 June 1879 – 1 August 1965) was an English man of letters, known as an essayist, critic and biographer. His controversial book The Craft of Fiction gained influence in the 1920s.
Percy Lubbock, CBE (4 June 1879 – 1 August 1965) was an English man of letters, known as an essayist, critic and biographer. His controversial book The Craft of Fiction gained influence in the 1920s. Wikipedia

Percy Lubbock Books at Amazon

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