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Friday, January 5, 2024

Writing Quote: Creativity Has Its Seasons by Olivia Salter

Writing Quote

Writing Quote: Creativity Has Its Seasons


by Olivia Salter


Creativity is a fluid and ever-evolving process. It ebbs and flows like the changing seasons, requiring time, patience, and perseverance. In the quote by Haley Jakobson, she beautifully captures the essence of this creative journey, urging writers to embrace the natural rhythms of their artistic expression.

"Creativity has its seasons. Let your writing bake, marinate, hibernate." These powerful words remind us that creativity cannot be rushed or forced. Just like a chef allows their dish to bake to perfection or a marinade to infuse flavors, writers must give their ideas the time and space they need to develop and flourish. In the moments when inspiration seems elusive, it is important to trust the creative process and allow ideas to simmer and mature.

The quote also highlights the notion that writing extends beyond the physical act of putting words on paper. "You're writing stories all the time, even if they're not on paper." Writing is a continuous process that happens within our minds, hearts, and everyday experiences. Whether it's observing the world around us, engaging in conversations, or delving into our own emotions, every moment contributes to the tapestry of our storytelling. Acknowledging this broader definition of writing allows us to embrace the limitless possibilities for creativity in our lives.

"Life is long and art is never linear—give yourself time." This simple yet profound statement encourages writers to embrace the non-linear nature of their artistic journey. Writing is not a straightforward path from point A to point B. It is a winding road filled with twists and turns, highs and lows, breakthroughs and setbacks. Understanding that creativity doesn't adhere to a linear trajectory helps us relinquish the pressure of achieving instant success. Instead, it invites us to grant ourselves the gift of time for exploration, growth, and self-discovery.

Giving ourselves time means allowing for introspection, inspiration, and the gestation of ideas. It means being patient with ourselves and embracing the evolution of our work. It also means understanding that creativity is not singular but multifaceted and that our creative seasons may vary. There will be moments of intense productivity and periods of quiet contemplation. Both are equally important and necessary for the creative process.

Ultimately, Haley Jakobson's quote reminds us that creativity is a journey that flows through various seasons. It invites us to relinquish the need for instant gratification and embrace the magic of patience, perseverance, and growth. So, let your writing bake, marinate, and hibernate. Allow your ideas to unfold naturally, both on paper and in the world around you. Embrace the non-linearity of your artistic path, trusting that each season offers its own unique gifts. Remember, life is long, and your creativity has endless possibilities.


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