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Showing posts with label Christina Lauren. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christina Lauren. Show all posts

Monday, October 23, 2023

Let Go of Comparisons and Focus on Running Your Own Race as a Writer

Let Go of Comparisons and Focus on Running Your Own Race as a Writer by Olivia Salter

Let Go of Comparisons and Focus on Running Your Own Race as a Writer


by Olivia Salter

"Run your own race. Don't worry about how fast someone else writes, how much another author makes, how many followers another author has. Write what makes you excited, and the enthusiasm will come through on the page."

Christina Lauren


In the world of writing, it's all too easy to get caught up in comparisons. We constantly look around and measure our progress against others, questioning our abilities and doubting our own work. But the truth is, when it comes to writing, the most important race you can run is your own.

The quote by Christina Lauren beautifully captures the essence of this idea. It reminds us to focus on our own journey and our own passion, and to ignore the distractions that arise from comparing ourselves to others. It reminds us that our individuality and genuine enthusiasm for the work we create will shine through and resonate with our readers.

In the digital age, where numbers of followers, sales figures, and writing speed are celebrated and scrutinized, it's easy to fall into the trap of constantly seeking validation from external sources. We find ourselves anxiously comparing our progress to that of others, wondering why our books aren't selling as well or why we don't have a massive online following.

But the truth is, success is subjective. It is not determined by someone else's achievements or societal expectations. We must remember that our journey is unique, just as our writing is unique. What matters most is the authenticity and passion we bring to our craft.

When we write from a place of genuine excitement and passion, something magical happens. Our words become alive, infused with our enthusiasm. Readers can feel the energy and connection between the writer and the story. This is what captivates an audience—the raw and unfiltered expression of our own stories.

By running our own race, we free ourselves from the constraints of external pressures and comparisons. We are no longer bound by market trends, popular genres, or the fear of falling short. Instead, we allow ourselves the freedom to explore our creativity fully. We write what speaks to us, what excites us, without worrying about the opinions or successes of others.

Running our own race also means embracing the process of growth. We understand that writing is not a linear path but a journey of self-discovery and continual improvement. We give ourselves permission to take risks, to make mistakes, and to learn from them. Furthermore, we understand that progress is not measured solely in word counts or publishing contracts, but in the personal growth we experience along the way.

So, the next time you find yourself comparing your progress to that of others, remember Christina Lauren's wise words: "Run your own race." Take a step back and remind yourself of why you started writing in the first place. Reignite your passion and your enthusiasm, and write from a place of authenticity. Trust that the right readers will connect with your work, drawn to the excitement and energy that you bring to the page.

Ultimately, writing is not a competition but a deeply personal and artistic endeavor. Embrace your individual journey, honor the stories that are unique to you, and let your enthusiasm and authenticity shine through. Run your own race, and watch as your words resonate with those who need to hear them most.

👉Christina Lauren books at Amazon