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Free Fiction Writing Tips: Where Modern and Classic Writing Crafts Collide


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Sunday, August 28, 2016

A Study of Prose Fiction by Bliss Perry (1902)

A Study of Prose Fiction by Bliss Perry (1902). The aim of this little book is to discuss the outlines of the art of fiction. In writing it I have followed more or less closely the notes prepared, a few years ago, for a course of lectures on Prose Fiction at Princeton University. These lectures were repeated with several classes and many teachers who have had occasion to examine the syllabus of the lectures and the topical work assigned in connection with them, have asked me to print a book that would be adapted to effective use in the classroom. I have confidence in the general method of fiction study which is here outlined, although the kindly cooperation of my former pupils may have then given the study a certain ardor which the book will fail to impart.

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