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Free Fiction Writing Tips: Where Modern and Classic Writing Crafts Collide


Liquid Story Binder XE by Black Obelisk Software

Monday, November 21, 2022

Elements of Fiction: Plot


Elements of Fiction: Character #FictionWriting #ElementsOfFiction

Elements of Fiction: Plot

The plot, or storyline, is the rendering and ordering of the events and actions of a story. Starting with the initiating event, then the rising action, conflict, climax, falling action, and ending possibly with a resolution.

Plot consists of action and reaction, also referred to as stimulus and response and has a beginning, a middle, and an ending.

The climax of the novel consists of a single action-packed sentence in which the conflict (problem) of the novel is resolved. This sentence comes towards the end of the novel. The main part of the action should come before the climax.

Plot also has a mid-level structure: scene and sequel. A scene is a unit of drama—where the action occurs. Then, after a transition of some sort, comes the sequel—an emotional reaction and regrouping, an aftermath.

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