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Free Fiction Writing Tips: Where Modern and Classic Writing Crafts Collide


Liquid Story Binder XE by Black Obelisk Software

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Elements of Fiction: Style




Elements of Fiction: Character #FictionWriting #ElementsOfFiction

Elements of Fiction: Style

Style includes the multitude of choices fiction writers make, consciously or not, in the process of writing a story. It encompasses not only the big-picture, strategic choices such as point of view and choice of narrator, but also tactical choices of grammar, punctuation, word usage, sentence and paragraph length and structure, tone, the use of imagery, chapter selection, titles, etc. In the process of creating a story, these choices meld to become the writer's voice, his or her own unique style.

For each piece of fiction, the author makes many choices, consciously or subconsciously, which combine to form the writer's unique style. The components of style are numerous, but include point of view, choice of narrator, fiction-writing mode, person and tense, grammar, punctuation, word usage, sentence length and structure, paragraph length and structure, tone, imagery, chapter usage, and title selection.


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