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Saturday, April 15, 2023

A Quick Note on Writing Realistic Historical Fiction for the Novice Writer by Ryker J. Phoenix

A Quick Note on Writing Realistic Historical Fiction for the Novice Writer by Ryker J. Phoenix


 A Quick Note on Writing Realistic Historical Fiction for the Novice Writer


by Ryker J. Phoenix


Historical fiction is a genre that blends historical facts with fictional elements to create a compelling story. Writing historical fiction requires a great deal of research, attention to historical accuracy, and creativity to bring the past to life. It's a challenging task on many levels, but it can be a rewarding experience for both the writer and reader. 

 Through historical fiction, authors can explore and interpret the past in new ways. They can give voice to those whose stories may have been overlooked or forgotten, and they can shed light on experiences of people during a particular time period.

In this article we will explore some of the key considerations when writing historical fiction.

1. Research the time period and setting: Before you begin writing, it's important to do thorough research to understand the historical context of your story. This includes everything from the political landscape to the social customs and everyday life of the time period.

2. Incorporate real historical events and characters: One of the defining elements of historical fiction is the inclusion of real historical events and figures. This helps to ground the story in reality and give it a sense of authenticity.

3. Strike a balance between accuracy and storytelling: While accuracy is important in historical fiction, you also want to create a compelling story that engages readers. Find a balance between staying true to historical facts and using literary devices to create tension and suspense.

4. Use vivid description to immerse readers in the setting: Historical fiction should transport readers to a different time and place. Use vivid description to bring the setting to life and help readers feel like they are experiencing the scene firsthand.

5. Bring the characters to life: Characters in historical fiction should be fully developed and realistic. They should be influenced by the time period they live in but also have unique personalities, motivations and desires that drive the plot forward.

6. Be mindful of cultural sensitivity: When writing about another time period or culture, it's important to be sensitive and respectful. Avoid stereotypes and do your best to accurately portray the culture and people you are writing about.

 Ultimately you are seeking to immerse yourself in a past world then judiciously select the best ways to bring that world to life as you tell your story.

In closing, I'll leave you with a quote from well-known historical fiction author Bernard Cornwell

“The most important thing, the all important thing, is to get the story right. Write, rewrite, rewrite again, and do not worry about anything except story. It is story, story, story. That is your business. Your job is not to educate readers on the finer points of Elizabethan diplomacy or Napoleonic warfare, your job is to divert and amuse people who have had a hard day at work. What will get you published? Not style, not research, but story. Once the story is right, everything else will follow.”

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 More Quick Notes for the Novice Writer

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