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Sunday, April 16, 2023

A Quick Note on Writing Flash Fiction for the Novice Writer by Ryker J. Phoenix

A Quick Note on Writing Flash Fiction for the Novice Writer by Ryker J. Phoenix


 A Quick Note on Writing Flash Fiction for the Novice Writer


by Ryker J. Phoenix


  Flash fiction, also known as micro fiction or sudden fiction, is a genre of writing that is a form of short fiction that tells a complete story in a very brief amount of space, often under 1500 words.

The most renowned writers in the English-speaking world like flash fiction because it can capture profound truths and common human emotions in only a few brief phrases. Flash fiction, when written correctly, has the power to speak universal truths and touch readers of different backgrounds. 

Take this one for instance,  "For sale: baby shoes, never worn," is a six-word story, popularly attributed to Ernest Hemingway, although the link to him is unlikely. It is an example of flash fiction in it's shortest form. The amount of emotion packed into these words inspired many writers to try their hand at the genre.

Here are some tips to help you write flash fiction:

1. Start with a concept or idea: Flash fiction often relies on a single idea or concept that is explored and executed in a concise and engaging way. This can be something simple, like a thought or a feeling, or it could be something more complex, like a specific event or situation.

2. Focus on a single character or moment: Because flash fiction is so short, it's important to limit the scope of the story. Focus on a single character or a single moment in time to create a sense of intimacy and immediacy.

3. Use sensory detail to create atmosphere: Flash fiction often relies on sensory detail to create atmosphere and evoke emotion in the reader. Use vivid detail to create a rich and immersive reading experience.

4. Make every word count: Because space is limited, every word in a piece of flash fiction needs to be carefully chosen to convey the maximum amount of information and emotion.

5. Experiment with form and structure: Flash fiction can take many different forms, from traditional narratives to experimental structures. Try playing around with different forms to find the one that best suits your story.

6. Edit ruthlessly: Because flash fiction is so condensed, editing is incredibly important. Cut any unnecessary words or phrases and make sure every sentence is contributing to the overall purpose of the story.

7. End with a twist or surprise: Flash fiction often has a twist or surprise ending that subverts the reader's expectations. Think creatively about ways to surprise your reader in the final moments of your story.

 The number one thing to remember is flash fiction writing requires control. You have to choose words wisely because of the word count restriction.

Also see:


 More Quick Notes for the Novice Writer

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