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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Writing the Perfect Scene


Writing the Perfect Scene


by Olivia Salter

Writing the perfect scene in a fictional novel involves a delicate balance of structure, emotion, and purpose. Let’s dive into the key elements:

1. Large-Scale Structure of a Scene

A scene has two levels of structure:

  • Objective: To create a powerful emotional experience for the reader.
  • How to Achieve It:
    • Start Late, End Early: Jump into the action as late as possible and exit before it drags.
    • Use an Engine: Every scene should propel the reader through the story by advancing the plot or revealing character insights.
    • Multitask: Scenes can serve multiple purposes (e.g., reveal backstory, introduce conflict, deepen relationships).
    • Play With Time: Vary pacing by stretching or compressing time within a scene.
    • Cannibalize Other Scenes: Combine scenes to streamline the narrative.
    • Supercharge Conflict: Introduce tension, obstacles, and stakes.
    • Character Change: Show how the characters evolve or react.
    • Essential to Plot Progression: Ensure each scene contributes to the overall story.

2. Small-Scale Structure of a Scene

Within a scene, consider:

  • Setting: Describe the environment vividly.
  • Characterization: Reveal character traits, emotions, and motivations.
  • Dialogue: Use authentic dialogue to advance the plot or deepen relationships.
  • Action: Show characters doing something relevant.
  • Emotion: Evoke feelings through sensory details.
  • Conflict: Introduce tension or obstacles.
  • Resolution: End with a sense of change or anticipation.

Remember, perfection lies in creating a rich emotional experience for your reader. 

Happy writing!!!


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