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Liquid Story Binder XE by Black Obelisk Software

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Character Traits: Crafting Authentic and Memorable Characters

Character Traits: Crafting Authentic and Memorable Characters

By Olivia Salter

What Are Character Traits?

A character trait is a distinguishing quality or characteristic that defines a person. These traits shape how characters behave, interact, and evolve throughout a story. Whether they’re heroes, villains, or somewhere in between, understanding character traits is essential for creating vivid, relatable characters.

Positive and Negative Traits

Remember that no one is perfectly good or entirely evil. Every character—no matter their role—should exhibit a mix of positive and negative traits. Here are some examples:

Positive Traits:

  1. Empathy: A character who understands others’ feelings.
  2. Courage: The ability to face danger or adversity.
  3. Loyalty: Staying committed to friends, family, or a cause.
  4. Creativity: Thinking outside the box.
  5. Optimism: Seeing the silver lining even in tough situations.

Negative Traits:

  1. Deceit: Telling lies or manipulating others.
  2. Jealousy: Coveting what others have.
  3. Arrogance: An excessive sense of superiority.
  4. Impulsiveness: Acting without thinking.
  5. Cynicism: Distrust or skepticism.

Using Character Traits in Plotting

Once you’ve defined your characters’ traits, use them to enhance your plot:

  • Unreliable Character: Their unreliability could lead to unexpected twists.
  • Helpful or Scrupulous Character: Their actions might inadvertently reveal crucial information.
  • Romantic Character: An affair could ignite conflict.
  • Selfish Character: Their internal struggle could drive the story.

Remember, characters are like real people—complex, flawed, and multifaceted. So, go ahead and create characters that leap off the page!!!

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