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Blake Snyder’s Save the Cat! Beat Sheet for the Novelists
Blake Snyder’s Save the Cat! Beat Sheet is a popular story structure template that can be adapted for novel writing. Let’s break it down:
1. Divide Your Word Count Into 3 Acts:
- First Act (about 25% of total word count): Introduce characters, setting, and the central conflict.
- Second Act (about 50% of total word count): Develop the plot, introduce subplots, and raise stakes.
- Third Act (about 25% of total word count): Resolve conflicts and provide a satisfying conclusion.
2. Divide Each Act Into Scenes:
- Aim for around 1,500 words per scene.
- First Act: About 14 scenes.
- Second Act: About 28 scenes.
- Third Act: About 14 scenes.
3. 15 Story Beats (adapted for novels):
- Opening Image: Set the tone and introduce the world.
- Theme Stated: Hint at the central theme.
- Catalyst: An event that disrupts the protagonist’s routine.
- Debate: Internal struggle about pursuing the story goal.
- Break into Two: Commitment to the journey.
- B Story: Introduce secondary plot or character arc.
- Fun and Games: Engaging scenes.
- Midpoint: Significant turning point.
- Bad Guys Close In: Escalating obstacles.
- All Is Lost: Lowest point for the protagonist.
- Dark Night of the Soul: Reflection and regrouping.
- Break into Three: Final push toward climax.
- Finale: Resolution of main conflict.
- Closing Image: Last impactful scene.
Remember, this structure is a guide, not a rigid formula. Adapt it to suit your story!
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