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Liquid Story Binder XE by Black Obelisk Software
Showing posts with label Structure template. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Structure template. Show all posts

Monday, August 19, 2024

Blake Snyder’s Save the Cat! Beat Sheet for the Novelists


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Blake Snyder’s Save the Cat! Beat Sheet for the Novelists

Blake Snyder’s Save the Cat! Beat Sheet is a popular story structure template that can be adapted for novel writing. Let’s break it down:

1.      Divide Your Word Count Into 3 Acts:

    • First Act (about 25% of total word count): Introduce characters, setting, and the central conflict.
    • Second Act (about 50% of total word count): Develop the plot, introduce subplots, and raise stakes.
    • Third Act (about 25% of total word count): Resolve conflicts and provide a satisfying conclusion.

2.      Divide Each Act Into Scenes:

    • Aim for around 1,500 words per scene.
    • First Act: About 14 scenes.
    • Second Act: About 28 scenes.
    • Third Act: About 14 scenes.

3.      15 Story Beats (adapted for novels):

    • Opening Image: Set the tone and introduce the world.
    • Theme Stated: Hint at the central theme.
    • Catalyst: An event that disrupts the protagonist’s routine.
    • Debate: Internal struggle about pursuing the story goal.
    • Break into Two: Commitment to the journey.
    • B Story: Introduce secondary plot or character arc.
    • Fun and Games: Engaging scenes.
    • Midpoint: Significant turning point.
    • Bad Guys Close In: Escalating obstacles.
    • All Is Lost: Lowest point for the protagonist.
    • Dark Night of the Soul: Reflection and regrouping.
    • Break into Three: Final push toward climax.
    • Finale: Resolution of main conflict.
    • Closing Image: Last impactful scene.

Remember, this structure is a guide, not a rigid formula. Adapt it to suit your story!