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Free Fiction Writing Tips: Where Modern and Classic Writing Crafts Collide


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Monday, September 9, 2024

Writing Quote: Writers end up writing about their obsessions. Things that haunt them; things they can’t forget; stories they carry in their bodies waiting to be released. -- Natalie Goldberg


Writing Quote

Unleashing the Haunting Muse: Writing from Obsession


By Olivia Salter


Exploring the Depths of Fiction through Personal Fixations

Writers are like archaeologists of the soul, digging through layers of memory, emotion, and experience. They unearth their obsessions—the persistent ghosts that haunt their minds—and transform them into stories that resonate with readers. Natalie Goldberg eloquently captures this process: “Writers end up writing about their obsessions. Things that haunt them; things they can’t forget; stories they carry in their bodies waiting to be released.”

In this article, we delve into the significance of writing from obsession, how it fuels creativity, and the delicate balance between catharsis and craft.

The Power of Obsession

  1. The Unforgettable Echoes: Our obsessions linger like half-remembered dreams. They tug at our sleeves, demanding attention. Whether it’s lost love, childhood trauma, or an unfulfilled desire, these echoes shape our narratives. Writers channel these emotional imprints into characters, settings, and plotlines.

  2. The Authentic Voice: Obsessions bypass the censor. They bypass the rational mind and tap into raw, unfiltered emotions. When writers embrace their obsessions, their prose gains authenticity. Readers recognize the truth in those words—they’ve felt it too.

Navigating the Abyss

  1. The Fine Line: Writing from obsession can be therapeutic, but it’s a tightrope walk. Too much personal catharsis risks self-indulgence. Too little, and the writing lacks depth. Finding the balance is an art.

  2. Transmutation: Writers alchemize their obsessions. They take pain, longing, and joy, and transmute them into universal themes. The heartbreak becomes a character’s grief; the longing becomes a quest. This alchemy bridges the gap between writer and reader.

Crafting the Haunting Narrative

  1. Digging Deeper: Writers must excavate their obsessions. Journaling, introspection, and meditation help. What memories cling like cobwebs? What fears lurk in the shadows? These are the seeds of powerful stories.

  2. Symbolism and Metaphor: Obsessions find expression through symbols. A recurring image—a broken mirror, a locked door—becomes a motif. Metaphors weave the haunting threads into the fabric of the narrative.


in conclusion, Natalie Goldberg’s wisdom reminds us that writing isn’t just about plot twists and clever dialogue. It’s about unearthing our obsessions, those buried treasures waiting to be released. So, fellow writers, embrace your ghosts. Let them whisper their secrets. Write from the marrow of your bones, and your fiction will resonate far beyond the page.

Remember: “Writers end up writing about their obsessions. Things that haunt them; things they can’t forget; stories they carry in their bodies waiting to be released.”


What haunts you? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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